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originally posted in: The Update We'll Never Get
Edited by Dang lmao: 2/7/2016 10:54:50 AM
It's so fućking sad that good feedback threads like this, and many other's that were created since launch, have basically outlined exactly what Bungie should do. But instead they're like, "hey, no, fućk the community. We're going to keep avoiding what a lot of the community wants and very blindly keep doing what we want." And they fućking wonder why people have quit ??? They've sent emails out asking why people have quit ??? I literally think everyone at Bungie has fućking lost their minds entirely. There is such great feedback buried in this forum, the Destiny subreddit, multiple highly viewed Youtube channels, multiple media articles (Forbes, Kotaku, etc) and yet they act like they can't see it. There have been COUNTLESS situations where they told us they were going to do something and through the ridiculous amount of negative feedback, they did it anyways. Having to relvl exotics, having Rift as the IB playlist for last month, adding SBMM without telling us, still forcing a form of a half assed SBMM on what's going to be every playlist eventually, I could list SO much shit that they could have completely avoided if they had just listened. It is unreal how this developer acts towards its own playerbase and community. To the point where other developers were literally making fun of Bungie ! You know what the sad thing is though ? I guarantee if they even do something as simple as adding the rest of the year one strikes to the playlists, people are going to flip shit and give them infinite amounts of thanks. This community needs to stop fućking patting this pathetic AAA title producing developer for doing shit THEY NEVER SHOULD'VE REMOVED IN THE FIRST PLACE. When they announced some of the year one exotics were moving forward, I was disgusted at seeing a lot of the community giving thanks for receiving year two equivalents of gear that they already fućking had. People do not realize that is micromanaging the available gear to basically force us to use the new year two guns. Most in which case are absolutely fućking horrible. Don't even get me started on the raid weapons. This developer shits on its own playerbase with just about every single patch and weekly update. For every one thing they do right in a patch, they fućk up about 5 others things they didn't need to be altered what so ever. Call me entitled or what the fućk ever, but Bungie better hit the sequel out of the park. There is NO reason for such great feedback to go to waste. If the sequel is almost identical to the current Destiny we have now, with little to no current feedback implemented, they might as well shut the studio down. I desperately hope that Destiny doesn't become something a long the lines of the CoD series where it's basically the same game with every title that's been produced. I fear that the sequel at launch is just going to be the equivalent of an expansion like TTK. With some feedback implemented, but more bad done than good. In that case, they might as well just keep releasing dlc's and expansions. But of course, if they think they can get away with selling basically another expansion for the price of a full game, you know damn well they're going to at this point. I see this whole situation like this. It's like Bungie is barely holding on to the edge of a cliff and the community is reaching it's hand out to help them back up to safe ground, but they simple refuse, thinking they can do it on their own when it's extremely obvious that they're struggling. They keep backing themselves into a corner. Instead of saying, "hey, we fućked up a lot of things at launch."(destroying the story and starting a half assed cut up story) They think acting honory as fućk and acting like it never happened is a better decision. That ALONE would ease up so much tension within the community. But unfortunately the gaming industry is being taken over by corporate fućk lords that don't condone in being honest with their consumers. There seem to be few developers, especially AAA developers, that still have good ethics. Literally Bethesda seems to be the only ones that are actually real anymore. The gaming industry is going down a very fućked up path and developers like Bungie are making a very clear path for it to spiral downwards. It's wild to see the way Bungie was with their previous amazing titles, and them completely take a 180 and go backwards.

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