Some of you veterans out there (the few that are left) may remember this post. I've put it in spoilers for those who don't know it/remember it.
Destiny has made a couple great steps forward with the TTK release, but at the same time they took 6 steps back. As a beta player, and an avid follower of this game pre-release (They really know how to hype up a game, especially with footage from the actual scrapped Destiny game from a year before release), I've watched since the beginning the BS, lies, half-truths, empty promises, deceit, and terrible decision making that has plagued this game. Let's take a little look at some issues, feel free to add your own, and if I'm not lazy I'll add them in as edits.
edit by now most people have left Destiny, leaving just the desticles and sweaty pvp players, and most complaints fall on deaf ears. But there is always hope. Especially with a new ceo.
- nightfall is dead. They killed it with the TTK. Bring back the blue flame and XP boost (they said they'd increase XP everywhere else to balance it, but never did), remove stuff like emotes, sparrows, limited time event "rewards", 3 of coin as rewards, decrease the ghost shells. Bump up the light level, bump up reward light level, you die you go back to orbit.
- bring back year one content. Seriously. No reason why year one, everything we paid for, was left behind. Luke smith said that he didn't want to bring year one forward because he didn't want players to have too much to do, too much to grind. And yet, the game is even more of a grind now, with less to do. Since day one the game suffered from lack of content, what's their solution to that? They cut out more content.
- raid weapon rewards. They're disappointing. Majority of the players loved getting a primary with an elemental burn, it was awesome, a truly powerful weapon to commemorate your hard work. Luke smith did not like this. He chose to get rid of this during KF. He felt (and in a way he was right, but there are other ways to deal with it) that it limited weapons used, and that's not fair to other weapons. And he doesn't care if you don't like the decision, it's happening so stop complaining. Compromise. You know your players like it, but it does limit weapon use. So add drops to the raid that are elemental spheres. Infuse it to a weapon to give it a burn. Everybody wins.
- An in-game, looking for group board. Really guys, get on that. You're a game that dictates all endgame needs teams, but you don't give the players the ability to do that in game. Have a board, or a tab in the menu. Click different activities, add requirements if needed. Players join up. There's no reason people should leave the game to go look for groups.
- weekly strike playlist is atrocious. A playlist was a good idea, executed poorly. No reason to have removed strikes from this. Again, community complains about lack of content, you do not remove content. Add to the list. include all the strikes, make the first strike completed grant you the 9-12 strange coins and 400 rep it did in Y1. There's a huge problem of people not playing this. You join a game, either you start it with 2 people, it even by yourself (maybe they left during loading), or the other guys leave at start/part way through because they just played it 3 times in a row. Bungie did not implement smart match making like they said they did.
- a huge problem now, that sadly a lot of desticles don't see, are the microtransactions and the microtransaction events. They came out, deej himself, when microtransactions were first announced and people data mined out a bunch of stuff that was not just cosmetic (spark of lights), and told the community (who were in an uproar), to not worry, that was stuff left over from pre-release, won't be in the game. And then literally 2 weeks after the Sparks of light were released and bungie didn't even acknowledge it. They also came out (very late) and told the community no more DLC until Destiny 2, instead they'll be having a bunch of "free events". All these microtransaction events do is fuel microtransaction sales. They are not here to do anything other than that. These are not microtransaction events you get in other games where yes, you can spend money if you want, but don't have to, you can still play, have fun, win stuff, get ahead. These are just here to make more money, and do not benefit the player at all.
- balancing is just the worst I've ever seen in a game. They have no clue what they're doing. All they keep doing is shifting around which weapon is on top. First it was auto rifles. Then those were nerfed to the ground and hand cannons ruled. Then they were nerfed and pulse rifles reigned. Then auto rifles were back on top. See the pattern? They aren't balancing. "If it's not broken, we'll break it" is a quote many people use to describe bungie and Destiny. When you notice a lot of your players are using one type of weapon and not another, you do not nerf the popular one to the ground and buff the crappy one to OP levels. It's not rocket science. And on the subject of balancing: STOP "BALANCING WEAPONS FOR PVP AND MAKING IT AFFECT PVE. To free have they nerfed weapons to the ground because they're used too much in pvp, and they become unusable in pve. Example? Vex mythoclass. The end game reward for vanilla, the end all be all. It was powerful, and should've been. But it was wrecking in pvp so they killed in both pvp and pve. There goes the best pve reward. Awful decision making. "Balancing" also takes them months to do. Literally months. Like every 6 they get around it.
There so you can read it anyway.
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