The veterans can't have everything. Do you realize that Destiny is almost 2 years old already? Most console games would be done done done done done done. Most companies would have moved on. Does COD of Battlefield get developer updates this far into their games life cycles outside of a small patch? Don't answer. It's rhetorical. Bungie is still making shit for this game, listening to feedback and trying to make it better. Yeah, they aren't doing the best job, but they are still making efforts when every other company for every other game would have thrown in the towel months ago. So, sorry that this one game mode doesn't give you what you want. It's not like there are the the raids, Shaxx bounties, and trials every week as well. But since you asked nicely, I'll hop in the bandwagon. While we're at it, let's make every story mission 300+. Every strike requires a primary gun with are last 300 light and firefly. Every strike is now Epic. Every PVP mode has Level Advantages enabled. After all, the new players, the people who are and will continue to ensure that this game flourishes, are not worth catering to. They don't deserve anything. It's all about the people who play this game like its their life and complain about it regardless of how Bungie is working.
You're not entitled to anything. What you have is worth a kings ransom already.
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