Nothing at all. That's why you have tons. People starting out, trying to get endgame ready have one; Nightfall.
Except nightfall gives -blam!- all when it comes to loot.
It gives 290 guns, armor, ghosts, 3oCs to get 290 Exotics to use if infuse, Strange Coins to buy 3oCs. Perfect for a low light level player. Don't be salty because you aren't getting upgrades when you're 310+. It's not meant for you.
That's retarded then, why change it like that? There was no -blam!-ing point. Also people like you who just accept getting butt -blam!-ed by bungie is why this game is horse shit now.
Hey, is it perfect? God no!! Lots of room for improvement. Just trying to see the lighter side of stuff. Don't be judging me for who I allow to sodomize me. It's a personal choice. At least I'm getting some.
.....I can't even be mad at that comeback gg good sir lol.
You as well, my good man!!