A large scale alien invasion brings capitalist and communists alike to their knees in the face of the fascist atean race. Governments across the galaxy are ripped apart and replaced with atean puppet governments. Those who still stand are either highly skilled warriors or truly amazing thieves and assassins. You are under their rule, you must learn to survive in the face of true evil.
[spoiler]see any other RP ever[/spoiler]
[b]humans[/b]- do I need to explain? These people are a very well rounded species, being moderately skilled In just about anything
[b]wisps[/b]- a strange race from a large jungle planet, where they where previously hunted almost to an extinction for their strange physical traits. Their skin is pale white, as well
As lacking any form of nose and in some cases a mouth, but are generally the same size as humans, although much faster and acrobatic, as well as skilled thieves and scavengers, at the price of physical weakness
[b]atea [/b]- massive hulking beasts, these conqueres are still humanoid, although the majority of them are pure evil
[b]carone[/b]- the carone are a highly intellectual race, their appearances vary, from their organic form of a strange squid like organism, to a completely Transentient form. They prefer to use their brain to pummel people into the ground
[spoiler]takes place on one planet, unity, space battles are allowed.
•[b]decarovo city:[/b] the main base of the atea on the planet, formerly a place of peace and unity, is now a dictator state ruled by a ruthless King
•[b]demio town:[/b] one of the few remaining free cities, a place of prosperity and racial acceptance, although now militarized to protect against the atean threat.
•[b]the pits:[/b] a gladitorial arena run by a wisp, victors are rewarded with loot for their impressive kills
•[b]the scorched lands:[/b] an empty wasteland, free for the taking, although plagued with scavengers and bandit kingdoms [/spoiler]
[b][i][u]CHARACTER CREATOR[/u][/i][/b]
[i]note:[/i] More races/weapons/locations/etcetera are subject to be added over time as story develops
[i]shameless self bump is shameless and quite pathetic, actually xD[/i]