Goddamn pussies and their pussy ass weed.
Inject heroin like a real man. Fck that pussy weed sht man. I get that small Thai girl I keep locked up, to tie me off everytime I'm raiding.
Nothing better than chasing the dragon while..... *falls asleep*
[spoiler]Kids don't do drugs - and admit to it[/spoiler]
Heroin OD's are actually at an all time high.. So yeah. Go heroin.
Haha gold
I'm sorry. But meth and oxy inside of my redbull, injected into my neck is what real mem do. Hourly.
Can I hold a dollar?
I'll just Inject my blood into you after my second daily dosage.
HAH! You think you're cool? Buddy, I inject 3 whole marijuanas, [i]per day[/i] Get on my level man
Pussy! When my nose stops running and I, I wake up properly - I'm going to.... what am I meant to do man? Where am I? Can I hold a dollar?
Smf heroin? Speed balls for days
Lemme hold a dollar?
Bro you're dumb just do acid before raid starts and you can play 10 raids n it I'll seem like u only played 1.
Acid you say...
Well ok then...