This is the world's first (as far as I know) class build. I have yet to see somebody with a T1/T5/T5 build.
Check out my female Warlock. I would like to have a different chest piece because it's ugly, and a T1/T5/T5 build with Voidfang Vestments.
Tier 1 Intellect
Tier 5 Discipline
Tier 5 Strength
This build took a LOT of experimenting. I've nearly burned through all my 320 gear I was saving for future exotics, all my recent legendary marks, all my motes from upgrading different shit, and almost all of my armor materials. It feels good to finally accomplish what I've been working on for a weeks on weeks now. Hopefully Tuesday's Golgoroth challenge blesses me with some boots and chest pieces.
bump :)