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originally posted in: Stop -blam!-ing Smoking
2/8/2016 4:37:16 PM
How about alcohol? Do you think it's worse for you than alcohol? Alcohol is perfectly legal. The bars all over the country. You can go to a specialized store or even a gas station to get it. I've seen many people die from alcohol. I've never seen even 1 person die from smoke pot. Not even 1 reported case. Your argument falls on educated ears buddy. Keep up the old way of thinking. It's going to do you well.

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  • I didn't mention alcohol one time. My comments deal with drugs used illegally or not in the case of medical need, and medical need that is prescribed by a doctor. Read what I've said and don't jump to conclusions.

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  • [quote]I didn't mention alcohol one time. My comments deal with drugs used illegally or not in the case of medical need, and medical need that is prescribed by a doctor. Read what I've said and don't jump to conclusions.[/quote] Alcohol is used illegally all the time. Your logic isn't logic, it's perpetuated propaganda.

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  • You are -blam!-ing awesome man. If your on ps4 please add me. I will run anything with you and I can do it all. Thanks for sticking up for some of my posts. U are #1 in my book. Have a good day dude.

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  • Haha I'm only on xbox one, sorry man but I hope you have a great day! -Honestly am appalled at some of these people's posts... It's 2016 people. Good lord.

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  • Yeah man. It's like people don't read anything viable anymore. They watch the news and read propaganda and that's it. That's how the world is to them. In this day and age where everything is right at your finger tips there is no excuse for this old mentality anymore. I love how some old codger comes on here and demands people smoking weed on their property in their private space get raided and abused by police and have their lives ruined cause some kid is crying he doesn't want to wait more than 5 mins for someone to go have a smoke. This world is so completely -blam!-ed up.

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  • [quote]Yeah man. It's like people don't read anything viable anymore. They watch the news and read propaganda and that's it. That's how the world is to them. In this day and age where everything is right at your finger tips there is no excuse for this old mentality anymore. I love how some old codger comes on here and demands people smoking weed on their property in their private space get raided and abused by police and have their lives ruined cause some kid is crying he doesn't want to wait more than 5 mins for someone to go have a smoke. This world is so completely -blam!-ed up.[/quote] People are just really stupid. They tried to convince me were the smartest species but I say we're just the fokn loudest. Lol. Seriously though you'd think were still just a bunch of devolved monkeys throwing shit at eachother.

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  • I like to read true events. I like to read stories from people who have "been there". I read everything. To me the best reads are actual unbiased accounts of things. The news isn't viable or unbiased anymore. They only show you what they want you to see.

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  • Medical need? Hmmm I think the prescription drugs are worse than anything. The doctors get people hooked on that shit than turn it off and these poor people turn to -blam!-ing heroin because of something a doctor had prescribed to them. Weed is illegal because the drug companies havnt figured a way to make money on it. Plain and simple.

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  • Depends on the amount and I never said anything about pot killing anybody now did I? There are things worse than death , but thats getting out of context. I didnt even raise an arguement I just stated a fact. Do with it what you will.

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/8/2016 6:01:06 PM
    [quote]Depends on the amount and I never said anything about pot killing anybody now did I? There are things worse than death , but thats getting out of context. I didnt even raise an arguement I just stated a fact. Do with it what you will.[/quote] You don't even have to smoke to get high? You can vaporize/have an edible thus the carcinogenic effects from the smoke are completely taken out of the equation. Thc/cbd/cannabinoids don't do any of the things you were saying such as "kill brain cells" or "ruin the body". Smoking is bad regardless, thc and cannabinoids(the chemicals in marijuana that get you high) are not harmful to our bodies. Educate yourself by looking this up, otherwise you'll consistently have to be made a fool of. Unless you enjoy spewing propaganda that ruins other people's lives for the sake of your stupidity?

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  • How can ones life possibly be ruined by not smoking? I also am not talking about anything like vape or that new fangled stuff the kids these days are doing. Thats completely different.

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/8/2016 6:48:56 PM
    [quote]How can ones life possibly be ruined by not smoking? I also am not talking about anything like vape or that new fangled stuff the kids these days are doing. Thats completely different.[/quote] Anything? Genetics to start... Also that's entirely relevant. How is it not? Explain. Maybe it's because it takes away all the tied stigma to marijuana that your propaganda had?

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  • [quote][quote]How can ones life possibly be ruined by not smoking? I also am not talking about anything like vape or that new fangled stuff the kids these days are doing. Thats completely different.[/quote] Anything? Genetics to start... Also that's entirely relevant. How is it not? Explain. Maybe it's because it takes away all the tied stigma to marijuana that your propaganda had?[/quote] I can easily say the same things you say "pot helping diseases is all propaganda" see how easy that is? Now do i think it can help? Sure, not by much but I have no reason to argue against that besides that it is very rare to use for said purpose. I am not talking about vape or the new ways to make pot safe because I know nothing about that. If it takes away all the negative effects cool, but until I read about it from a source other than you I wont be making an opinion on it. I am only talking about the pot that has been the same for like the last 50+ years (you like that made up number?) and that is grown is some shady guys back yard.

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  • What's worse than death?

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  • An example: Parkinsons disease. And anything that can fundamentally change who you are as a person or leave you in a vegetative state. Pot is very minor in that regard.

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/8/2016 6:14:10 PM
    [quote]An example: Parkinsons disease. And anything that can fundamentally change who you are as a person or leave you in a vegetative state. Pot is very minor in that regard.[/quote] My grandfather had Parkinson's. Others have AIDs- are you telling me that it's okay to put down the drugs these people may take to feel sane and "not dying"? Well it's fine if they take it- but you don't realize the stigma that you're perpetuating? These people already have enough to deal with and now they have to deal with even more like not getting themselves/their friends raided because they smoke? You don't see that being an issue? Over the counter drugs also alter our chemical states of the mind- for an interval of time like every other drug. Hell... eating unhealthy does this too(changes your brain's chemical and hormonal balances). The isse is abuse [b]when you alter it to the point that you mind hasn't ever been given a chance to recover[/b] Go swallow all your Benadryl or any over the counter drug- if you survive go swallow/smoke/try to kill yourself with the same gram for gram of pot. You physically can't. The drugs in your house right now are more harmful and do the exact same thing as pot in regards to altering your mind. I'm sure you may have one bottle of wine- that'll kill a kid immediately. A whole pound of pot? One stoned [i]but living[/i] kid. [i][u]So your logic is flawed.[/u][/i]

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  • Edited by EMW ZEEK: 2/8/2016 6:49:11 PM
    [quote][quote]An example: Parkinsons disease. And anything that can fundamentally change who you are as a person or leave you in a vegetative state. Pot is very minor in that regard.[/quote] My grandfather had Parkinson's. Others have AIDs- are you telling me that it's okay to put down the drugs these people may take to feel sane and "not dying"? Well it's fine if they take it- but you don't realize the stigma that you're perpetuating? These people already have enough to deal with and now they have to deal with even more like not getting themselves/their friends raided because they smoke? You don't see that being an issue? Over the counter drugs also alter our chemical states of the mind- for an interval of time like every other drug. Hell... eating unhealthy does this too(changes your brain's chemical and hormonal balances). The isse is abuse [b]when you alter it to the point that you mind hasn't ever been given a chance to recover[/b] Go swallow all your Benadryl or any over the counter drug- if you survive go swallow/smoke/try to kill yourself with the same gram for gram of pot. You physically can't. The drugs in your house right now are more harmful and do the exact same thing as pot in regards to altering your mind. I'm sure you may have one bottle of wine- that'll kill a kid immediately. A whole pound of pot? One stoned [i]but living[/i] kid. [i][u]So your logic is flawed.[/u][/i][/quote] My grandfather currently has parkinsons and he doesnt remember me or most of the family. That is worse than death. Pot does not kill stop bringing that up. I ahvnt said anything to imply that. What drug do people with hiv use to feel sane? Certainly not pot and I am not talking about medicincal purposes I am only talking about recreational use ao that doesnt matter In the first place even if sonebody Is using that for said purpose. Leave medical applications out of this discussion. Edit. Yes it is an abuse issue.

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  • Things worse than death? So are you saying that addiction is worse than death? Well I've never seen anyone addicted to marijuana. Again old antiquated thinking. If someone uses marijuana and gets addicted to something else you guys love to call it a "gateway" drug. I love this one. If you have addictive personality you will have problems with anything you get your hands on. You people just make marijuana out to be the one that started it all for them When in fact it could be anything from booze to Dr. Prescribed opiates.

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  • Just because YOU haven't seen anyone addicted to marijuana doesn't mean people haven't been addicted to it. True about other drugs. My point is ANY drug used illegally or without a Dr. prescription, is bad and something that should not be approved as appropriate behavior.

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  • That's the problem buddy. There's still dinosaurs out there just like you. Instead of trying to understand something you simply deem it illegal and "bad" when you don't even know the specifics yourself. I'm sure you do something illegal. Whether it's fantasy football which is gambling. I hope you get arrested for it and see exactly how many feel that have been arrested and their house raided for something that is completely trivial.

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  • I just mentioned that I have seen people in my own family hooked on weed and other drugs so I'm familiar with the system and how it works. My house has been invaded looking for said family member, where they also found more drugs and prescription pills received from a doctor who had NO license. Doing drugs is NOT something TRIVIAL, but you can choose not to believe that. It was my mistake to suggest people should get arrested in my original response and I'll own up to that.

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  • Edited by lYlasterBlazor1: 2/8/2016 5:41:03 PM
    Thank you. I don't disagree with you. I believe there is genuine problems out there. My wife has had family members die from. Alcohol related accident and pancreatitis derived from alcohol. I don't think someone drinking in their house or smoking whatever in their house should be invaded and punished because it is their own person. If they are a dealer or someone who is gaining from others misery than I have no argument here. But to break down peoples door to their private lives is a crime that I believe is worse than anything a weed smoker is doing while playing a video game. Thank you for the debate.

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  • I agree completely and I'd hope the cops aren't breaking down doors just to nab weed smokers in their house. I've just seen to many kids in this neighborhood get initially hooked on weed, then it progresses to other drugs, and before you know they're in and out of jail, and in the case of 2 of my son's friends, dead.

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  • Edited by EMW ZEEK: 2/8/2016 5:03:48 PM
    [quote]Things worse than death? So are you saying that addiction is worse than death? Well I've never seen anyone addicted to marijuana. Again old antiquated thinking. If someone uses marijuana and gets addicted to something else you guys love to call it a "gateway" drug. I love this one. If you have addictive personality you will have problems with anything you get your hands on. You people just make marijuana out to be the one that started it all for them When in fact it could be anything from booze to Dr. Prescribed opiates.[/quote] You love speaking for others dont you? I have not said a single damn thing you are trying to argue against. Pot only does 2 negative things. 1. It changes your personality: you can tell within 5 minutes of talking to someone if they are a pothead. I will not go into the details but a lack of motivation to do anything is one common thing. There is also a difference between being a pothead and sometimes doing pot its all in the amount. 2. It kills brain cells: this reduces your IQ, attention span, and memory. Not by a whole lot but it does happen. These are the facts. Weigh the risks and rewards and decide for yourself if getting high for no reason is worth it. And If you want to get into a morality discussion "getting high or doing anything to feel pleasure for pleasures sake" is wrong by definition (thats fact but you can easily argue that morality doesnt matter) but lets not get into that here. Seriously though dont bother commenting on that I am not getting into that discussion. Anything that changes who you are is worse than death parkinsons disease is one example. Is pot that bad? No, I never said it was. You are just taking things other people say and assuming I will say them as well instead of actually reading my words. EDIT and pot is far more addictive than alcohol.

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  • [quote][quote]Things worse than death? So are you saying that addiction is worse than death? Well I've never seen anyone addicted to marijuana. Again old antiquated thinking. If someone uses marijuana and gets addicted to something else you guys love to call it a "gateway" drug. I love this one. If you have addictive personality you will have problems with anything you get your hands on. You people just make marijuana out to be the one that started it all for them When in fact it could be anything from booze to Dr. Prescribed opiates.[/quote] You love speaking for others dont you? I have not said a single damn thing you are trying to argue against. Pot only does 2 negative things. 1. It changes your personality: you can tell within 5 minutes of talking to someone if they are a pothead. I will not go into the details but a lack of motivation to do anything is one common thing. There is also a difference between being a pothead and sometimes doing pot its all in the amount. 2. It kills brain cells: this reduces your IQ, attention span, and memory. Not by a whole lot but it does happen. These are the facts. Weigh the risks and rewards and decide for yourself if getting high for no reason is worth it. And If you want to get into a morality discussion "getting high or doing anything to feel pleasure for pleasures sake" is wrong by definition (thats fact but you can easily argue that morality doesnt matter) but lets not get into that here. Seriously though dont bother commenting on that I am not getting into that discussion. Anything that changes who you are is worse than death parkinsons disease is one example. Is pot that bad? No, I never said it was. You are just taking things other people say and assuming I will say them as well instead of actually reading my words. EDIT and pot is far more addictive than alcohol.[/quote] That's all propaganda and you can read about this frankly anywhere. I'm not gonna sit here writing essays on things widely accepted by scientists worldwide[spoiler]and not politicians, imagine that! [/spoiler]. Of course it changes people? If I smoke I could be thrown into a dungeon and ruin my entire life, so to enjoy it smokers hide away. That's your faulty system and propaganda working, not the pot itself- for instance you could replace pot with anything there and achieve the same effects. Your argument is extremely outdated and ignorant.

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