[b][u]Counting the Cards...[/u][/b]
[b][i]Backbreaker-Location Unknown[/i][/b]
Spectre looked at his soldiers, his army, his [i]family[/i] from a dune. He sat there, a bottle a booze in his hand as he watched them.
The drills were endless and heavily based on the sole purpose of being more effective. Some men and women were flipping tires, some were doing sit ups. A team was in a cold water simulation, linked at the elbows. A man yelled out a speech as they shivered mercilessly.
The rest of the team yelled in response.
The whole team yelled in unison.
He smiled as he watched, standing after a while. Sand fell from his leg armor as he stood, knees popping. He kicked out, stretching his thighs as he walked down the dune and towards the base. There was a basketball game going on between a few officers. When they saw him, they stopped and saluted.
"At ease, gentlemen, I might come to watch soon."
He smiled and they nodded, going back to the game. The dribble of the ball was constant and unchanging.
With that hiccup of a dribble, he looked back and watched as a man drove up the middle and finished with a layup. Walking backwards, he slipped into his office and began working, turning on music in the background. Quietly, Hotel California played as he worked, shuffling through papers and reports.
A report caught his eye in particular, a scout report...
[i]Quazar, Xe System, 78.996 degrees North, 22.557 degrees West
A Federation outpost, loaded with vehicles, ammunition, intel, food, money and POWs, was terrorizing a nearby village that supported the Rebels. Constant raids, attacks and brutality were reported to the Rebel scout base on the planet.
Supposedly riots and protesting were done but quickly ceased with...violent efforts from the Feds.
The outpost is guarded by roughly seventy men, it won't be easy, but definitely possible, and worth the risk.[/i]
He looked up from the report.
[i]Relax, said the night man...[/i]
He spoke under his breath, thinking out loud.
"Small team of insurgents could work...then follow up with an all out assualt. Maybe bomb the place afterwords....or use it for a base of our own."
[i]We are programmed to receive...[/i]
"What if the report's wrong? It's the best intel we've had in a while..."
[i]You can check out any time you like...[/i]
"Maybe we can get the Alliance's help. Shadowed would want in on this."
He nodded with his plan, starting to write it down then get back to work.
[i]But you can never leave![/i]
[spoiler]Open to Rebellion and Alliance troops[/spoiler]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 2/9/2016 1:29:17 AM[b]Angela walks up from behind and eldbows you lightly in the side[/b] "Whatever you have planned next I'm in. I've been working on something that might help with future operations as well. Ever heard of a Doctor Sinclair? Medical genius, geneticist, and robotics expert? " [spoiler]this will tie in with my next character[/spoiler]
[spoiler]K[/spoiler] "I have...she was on the Axion team, correct?" He looks up at her from his work.
"Yes she was. I found some old files on her and what she was working on before she died. Don't ask where I found them you don't want to know. Anyway from what I found in these files she was working on a weapon of some kind. There's a set of coordinates embedded in the files"
He extends and arm. "Let me see them..." As you hand them to him, he speaks up at you. "What kind of weapon?"
"I don't know but the coordinates lead to one of her old weapon caches along with something about a Subject Zero"
He nods. "Subject makes it sound like a person, not a weapon. Could be a problem. Good find."
Edited by Kain The Slain: 2/9/2016 2:28:27 AM"Well I was going to suggest we go check it out now so we could see what it is. It might be beneficial to us"
"We will, but before that, hopefully, if the time schedules line up, we're going to attack a rather large Fed base today. Like I said, if the conditions are right, we can play ball. If not, we're staying here for a few more days."
"Alright I might go check it out with the Shadowed one"
"Not yet. This raid is our first priority. We need the supplies."
"How about this. You guys go do this raid and I go find Evelyn's weapon"
He nods. "I see you want this sorted out...I'll send a task force with you, but we need Shadowed One to stay with us and help with the Alliance."
"I can handle this on my own. I can move faster by myself" [spoiler]the shadowed one already went with her look at my conversation with him[/spoiler]
"Alright." He nods. [spoiler]K[/spoiler]
A familiar female Russian voice speaks from behind you. "Count me in." You turn to see Gwen, in her trademark Crimson coat. She was leaning against a wall, her arms crossed. "Good song, by the way."
He nods. "Good to have you there. As for the song, I dunno why, but I've always liked Earth music."
"Me as well. Ever heard of a band called Tool?"
"Yeah...not as much of fan of Tool though."
"We all have our preferences. So when is this mission going underway?"
"Hopefully later today, depends on how the team is feeling, spy satilite reports, that kind of thing. You'll be notified when it's starting."
"Good. It's been too long since I've kicked some Fed ass."
He nods. "We all feel the same."
"So what happens after we defeat the Feds?"
"We make a new government, and grow from there. The people will have more power than the government, that's my biggest concern."
"Not one for politics."