A familiar female Russian voice speaks from behind you.
"Count me in."
You turn to see Gwen, in her trademark Crimson coat. She was leaning against a wall, her arms crossed.
"Good song, by the way."
He nods. "Good to have you there. As for the song, I dunno why, but I've always liked Earth music."
"Me as well. Ever heard of a band called Tool?"
"Yeah...not as much of fan of Tool though."
"We all have our preferences. So when is this mission going underway?"
"Hopefully later today, depends on how the team is feeling, spy satilite reports, that kind of thing. You'll be notified when it's starting."
"Good. It's been too long since I've kicked some Fed ass."
He nods. "We all feel the same."
"So what happens after we defeat the Feds?"
"We make a new government, and grow from there. The people will have more power than the government, that's my biggest concern."
"Not one for politics."
"Neither am I, but when we win, somebody will have to take over. Hell if I know who..."