I made a decision to avoid posting topics whose humor is derived from the reaction of the replies, not from content of the topic itself. Obviously this topic was treading on that line and not many people could see it was satirical. Therefore many angry replies were had despite it being tagged #satire. But rather than leave the thread up with a disclaimer, I feel it's better to take it down. So...sorry.
Edited by CaptainW1nky: 2/9/2016 1:24:43 AMNo that would be like saying you shouldn't of played duck hunt when you were a kid because your shooting ducks or Mario because your killing things by curb stomping them. Heck we all played mortal combat growing up. There isn't even blood in this game.... we played smear the queer growing up/cussed like sailors etc. It wasn't because of video games, and certainly not an online community since there wasn't one.