"Well I was going to suggest we go check it out now so we could see what it is. It might be beneficial to us"
"We will, but before that, hopefully, if the time schedules line up, we're going to attack a rather large Fed base today. Like I said, if the conditions are right, we can play ball. If not, we're staying here for a few more days."
"Alright I might go check it out with the Shadowed one"
"Not yet. This raid is our first priority. We need the supplies."
"How about this. You guys go do this raid and I go find Evelyn's weapon"
He nods. "I see you want this sorted out...I'll send a task force with you, but we need Shadowed One to stay with us and help with the Alliance."
"I can handle this on my own. I can move faster by myself" [spoiler]the shadowed one already went with her look at my conversation with him[/spoiler]
"Alright." He nods. [spoiler]K[/spoiler]