Nowadays, there's a lot of "**** Pride" movements; Gay Pride, Black Pride, Hispanic Pride, Straight Pride (whatever the -blam!- that means,) etc. But Ugly Pride is a relatively unknown movement, and the lack of momentum going for it is a travesty of social justice. Now, I know some of the more bigoted people reading this are thinking "But they're just ugly people, they don't deserve pride." Well that's where you're wrong, good sir. Ugly people need motivation too, just as much as those cocksu- I mean beautiful and brave homosexual people do, or anybody else. It's awful that in THIS DAY AND AGE, people still feel ashamed about themselves. So, to help turn some heads and draw attention to the Ugly Pride Movement, I'm going to share some info about it with you all.
[b]Goals of the Ugly Pride Movement[/b]
Our main goals are to help the visually cancer-inducing feel better about themselves, and to feel motivated to go out there and just be who they are. When we're done with our work, we hope every ugly person can feel accepting of themselves and be able to shout it to the heavens! We will also do this by suing the non-ugly if they so much as glare at the visually-impairing. Because equality.
[b]Accomplishments thus far[/b]
We've already had successful rallies across the US and have helped hideous people all over the country feel better about their horrendous bodies. Places we've visited have been epicenters of ugly, where it seems to be concentrated the most. Among the list of those places would be New Jersey, all of Florida, the White House, Tumblr, feminist movement HQs, and many more.
Our website was recently hacked and taken down, so for now if you have any questions or need support, ask for it here. Feel no shame, and be proud of yourself. If you know any ugly people here, be sure to tell us about them and/or send 'em our way, we'll give them the support they need and the love we all deserve. If you want to help us, be sure to spread the word and start discussions similar to this across this site and on other sites as well. Help this valiant cause grow!
Thank you for your time.
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