I'm having trouble coming up with a reasonable answer for this question on my psychology homework. Anyone wanna help?
[i]16.) Two kids, a guy and a girl, go to prom together on the suggestion of a mutual friend. Both are extremely shy and aren't very good at conversing. After prom, they don't have a conversation for 7 months other than the occasionally greeting to each other in the hallway at school. After a period of awkwardly avoiding eye contact for a couple of months, they start the "saying hi in the hallway" routine. Does a relationship between the two seem likely?[/i]
10/10 for originality 3/10 for courage to just the question (im not your mother you dont need to make a "this friend of mine..." type situation) 4/10 for it being a plausible psychology question (the question would have been too vague and incomplete to answer in a scholarly way) 8/10 for making me chuckle Averaging to a 6.25/10 as your final grade. Honestly though it sounds like shes just as worried about talking to you and not screwing up as you are with her. Just go talk to her and act as though it's not awkward. Worst case you're back one step to pretending not to notice each other, not like it can get [i]that[/i] much more awkward than what it is.