"Well why's that, exactly? Some flaw in the space magic spell?"
"It might be because it's permanent. The full dragon spell is easier for some reason."
"Huh. Well I would think being a fire shooting quarian would be badass"
"Yup, and fun as hell. I would need a new suit though.... Unless it boosts my immune system too......."
"Well, who's to say you couldn't get a new suit? Maybe get some upgrades on that bitch, jetpack shoes maybe, just some ideas"
"That's a good idea, I'll look into it."
"Aye. Until then, I need to discuss some things with you" [i]She says, her usual joy filled tone quickly becoming more serious. [/i]
"Oh no.... What decided to target us this time?"
"Nothing. It's just, I'll be needing payment of you want to keep me on board this ship. I didn't sign on for shits and giggles, boss. And funding means potential toys to be used in combat that I could obtain via some old contacts"
"One second......" [b]Yusa transfers a good amount of credits to her[/b]
"Thank you, boss. Now do you have anything specific for me to do, or is it usual work?"
"Patrol the front of the ship, I don't want anyone getting aboard and trying anything."
"Aye."[i]She says, grabbing her rifle from her back and walking away. [/i] ((End))
[spoiler]how many credits she receive m8?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]hmmmm...... Don't know, but it was good enough to get some new deadly toys or blow it all on a bunch of cocaine and hookers[/spoiler]
[spoiler]lol, she'll likely do the latter while buying some weapons and shit online [/spoiler]