I made a decision to avoid posting topics whose humor is derived from the reaction of the replies, not from content of the topic itself. Obviously this topic was treading on that line and not many people could see it was satirical. Therefore many angry replies were had despite it being tagged #satire. But rather than leave the thread up with a disclaimer, I feel it's better to take it down. So...sorry.
Sorry man my eleven year old son is more mature than most of the T for Teens on this game. Maybe even some of the A for adults. It is mostly a lack of parents being parents. Where are these kids swearing like sailors on line that their parents don't know it is going on? If my son is playing video game it is in the living room. If he started talking about anything to do with your mother you could rest assured he wouldn't be wanting to play games for a long while. This isn't a problem for xbox or the game industry or the PMRC Oh yeah I went there and yes We're still not gonna take it. This is just parents not taking time to raise their kids. We will all be paying for it in ways we likely can't imagine.