*in any first world country
Try to keep all opinions and lies in the trashcan where they belong.
am i INB4 anomaly?
Edited by Rei: 2/9/2016 7:47:57 PMThis thread makes me want to throw myself off a bridge. People say that women have equal rights... I don't have time to research the ways rights are not equal, so I'm not going to argue that. However social expectations and treatment of women are still not equal to men. I thought inequality was a myth until I started a career in a male-dominated field. There are still a lot of men out there that treat us like idiots. They don't trust us with the same responsibilities. In the workplace, I get more attention from people trying to date me than men would. If I am competitive or bother to tell people how they can do better, I'm considered a confrontational bitch. If I go with the flow, I'm too meek and won't get anywhere because I'll literally be wallflower. I just want to do my job, and enjoy it, but unless I grind my way to become most of the men's boss (which, I can see taking longer than most men, even though I don't plan on having children), I won't be getting "equal" respect. Can you, as men, really tell me that that's not true when you've never experienced a day in our lives? That is not to say that everything is peachy for men either. The point is, society still has a way to go in terms of things being equal for men and women. In some ways it never will be, but despite that, that's what "modern feminism" [i]should[/i] be advocating for.
I do because it supports women's rights. If you don't support modern feminism, you're just as bad as hitler.
Inb4 anomaly
I think that women are special. But I don't think they should ever try to use it to take advantage of people.
Breastfeeding in public. [spoiler]boobs out in public? Do u not want every hot chick to be allowed to run around topless?[/spoiler]
I don't see why they consider themselves feminists and not humanitarians.
inb4 anomaly
Which feminists? Feminists or Tumblrinas?
Someone pass me my bleach. The edge of OP is too much.
Edited by yourOPliberal: 2/10/2016 4:29:57 PMWhy don't feminists like guns? [spoiler]Because of the triggers[/spoiler] [spoiler]Because you have to cock it[/spoiler] [spoiler]Because there are no guns in the kitchen[/spoiler] [spoiler][quote]Women can't drive[/quote][/spoiler]
The [i]premise[/i] of feminism is great. Gender equality. I'm not superior because I have a dick. [i]Modern[/i] feminism is, for the most part, a crock. It's people wanting superiority.
Edited by DarthBrando: 2/10/2016 12:31:12 PMIn 1960s Women couldnt vote Women couldnt have salary > than man in same job Women couldnt hold 1/2 the jobs men could. So yea feminism is pretty important: Some of this modern stuff does take it way too far tho yes. Edit: (1920s on women voting sry confused with civil rights acts i shoulda said in 1960s all women got right to vote; not just rich white non Irish ones)
I'm all for feminism as long as they stay the hell outta my way, don't brag about it like vegetarians brag about their crap, and also I want to be paid more then women XD
I support maleism. I expect women to support this.
So I talked about this in my history class yesterday. Professor proved that everyone in the class is a feminist. Do u want women to be able to vote? What about apply for a loan? What about actually legally own the money they earn from their job? If u answered yes to any kind of women rights question u r a feminist.
So that the females can feel special
Not taking sides but if there is no point in feminism than what is the point in male people
it is very good bait to get heated discussions started :D
I believe women are far superior to men, in general.
Looks like the white male is being more and more shunned People supporting Hilary based on the fact that's she's a women Black people get cheep college and have to be in jobs they aren't qualified for ( affirmative action) When will someone pay for me to go to school. I'm white
i support modern feminism but i don't view everyone who spouts bullshit and claims to be feminist as an actual feminist. equal rights are good but bullshit tumblr feminazi stuff isn't.
Both genders should be equal but Femenazis take it too far
1st and 2nd wave feminism is important, but should really be included with Egalitarianism. Modern or 3rd wave feminism is more or less people not knowing the difference between actual social justice issues, such as Monsanto and their Terminator gene, or Martin Schkreli, and something they seem to rage over like a video game not depicting women a certain way.
I don't support the tumblr feminazis that want to see all men burn that you're thinking of. But I see no reason why women should not be equal to men. I support that 100%.