originally posted in:Guardians Worldwide
Make sure to leave a comment if you're interested. I would love it if we could get at least 2 titans and hunters each for this and the remaining 2 which ever. So in your comment leave your light level (only since im new) and class so that we can have an awesome experience! This will commence at 6pm Eastern Standard Time, see y'all then!
- 305 + Light level
- Sniper Rifle (1000yrd, Black Spindle, or something comparable)
- Touch of Malice
[u]Raid Party[/u]
- High Juu Tuu
- kymagika1212
- Koi Ronin
- Kamalung
- DEEZ1529
- Roadkillhazard
Last call lol
yea im down to clown im available all day, would love to get it done with my warlock but i dont mind running it with titan either, warlock and titan would both be 311 and hunter would only be around 309 i think but i do have a hunter as well
What is 11/9 ?