Why are there so many females here all of a sudden??
Does gender rally matter on the Internet? I mean we're all here for video games like Halo, and that.....that [i]thing of a game[/i]. Or we are just here to have fun with close friends.
I see 3 of your posts in a row at the moment.
Because dudes decided it would be fun to play all of those white knights and perverts [spoiler]don't be silly, women don't exist on the Internet[/spoiler]
Hee hee hee!!
Lonely dudes pretend to be bîtches to get attention. What they really need is to just go to the gay bar
Guys. Its guys in disguise.
Guys we have to kick them out or they will contaminate our homoerotic gamer peace
Anomaly is the only female here. [spoiler]trust me[/spoiler]
I've never found the presence of females disturbing. I actually quite like them.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ would you rather it be a sausage-fest?
Since Anomaly
We've always been here, asswipe.
I fail to see the problem.
They're taking over! Run!
Well why in the actual -blam!- is everyone so surprised there are girls here
[i]fyi, we've always been here[/i]
They were always here.
Need more females. If only to piss off the misogynists here.
We've always been here fam.
The better question is… why is this thread still alive?
Disturbing? Uhh there should be more, nothing wrong with females wanting to play games and posting on forums to discuss a hobby. It's the people impersonating females that are creepy...
You've always have girls here. It's just suddenly become a big deal. O.o
I haven't noticed anything. I remember the start of 2015 being a sea of 14 year old boys pretending to be Girls for attention. So, so glad to be out of that era of terribad gimmick posting.
Because females online= more attention