[quote]The reason behind the desire to fill your lungs up with cancer?[/quote]
You realize that not everyone who smokes gets cancer, right? So filling "your lungs with cancer" is just hysterics on your part.
[quote]why must everyone force the concept "oppression of liberty/freedom" on everything?[/quote]
Because we live in this beautiful country with a fantastic Constitution that emphasizes individual liberty. You wanting people to NOT do something because it bothers you is the exact opposite of that. Liberty means being able to do things for no reason other than you can and it's legal.
[quote] honestly don't give a shit what you do in your private space. If you do it in public, I have a right to object... If you blow it in my face, I'd probably deck you. [/quote]
Yes, you have a right to object. I also have a right to ignore your objection. You should punch anyone who purposely blows smoke in your face.
[quote] If you can get arrested for running around naked, there could certainly be some regulation regarding where you smoke[/quote]
I'm going to pretend you didn't just compare public indecency to smoking, because that comparison makes no sense and is completely absurd.
[quote]it being an actual health hazard (eg not public indoor spaces and not near doorways).[/quote]
I'm not a doctor, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that walking through a cloud of smoke isn't hazardous to the health of a healthy person. That's a fraction of a second you had to inhale and then exhale the second hand smoke.
For someone who claims to not be on a personal crusade you sure have very specific guidelines about where people should be allowed to smoke, not to mention your irrational fear of spending mere moments walking through a cloud of smoke. Maybe just wrap yourself up in bubble wrap and strap on an oxygen tank the next time you leave the house.
Life is dangerous, man. Maybe you should turn your home into a hermetically sealed environment.
[quote]You realize that not everyone who smokes gets cancer, right? So filling "your lungs with cancer" is just hysterics on your part.[/quote] I was just being dramatic. [quote]Because we live in this beautiful country with a fantastic Constitution that emphasizes individual liberty. You wanting people to NOT do something because it bothers you is the exact opposite of that. Liberty means being able to do things for no reason other than you can and it's legal.[/quote] I never said I didn't want people to do it. I keep saying, I don't care if they do it or not. I just don't want to be near them when they are. [quote]I'm going to pretend you didn't just compare public indecency to smoking, because that comparison makes no sense and is completely absurd.[/quote] Well, what is it about public indecency that makes it wrong and smoking not? [quote]I'm not a doctor, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that walking through a cloud of smoke isn't hazardous to the health of a healthy person. That's a fraction of a second you had to inhale and then exhale the second hand smoke. For someone who claims to not be on a personal crusade you sure have very specific guidelines about where people should be allowed to smoke, not to mention your irrational fear of spending mere moments walking through a cloud of smoke. Maybe just wrap yourself up in bubble wrap and strap on an oxygen tank the next time you leave the house. Life is dangerous, man. Maybe you should turn your home into a hermetically sealed environment.[/quote] I didn't make up any guidelines, they are preferences, plus what laws are already in place. Sure, life is dangerous, and for some things it's worth the indulgence, but I consider this an unnecessary risk (I don't imagine it actually pleasurable unless you're already addicted). Those fractions of a second adds up man... if every door you walk through has people standing around smoking. It also makes me cough like a mofo.
Holy shit, you're as dramatic as a high school girl. Seriously, just stop.