"That must be great for getting rid of a body, any spells you recommend for me?"
[b]walks over placing a hand on her shoulder, she feels the cold dead aura it gives off[/b] No.
"Let me guess. If you ever break free, you'll kill me."
Yes. I did warn you didn't I?
"What if I let you go on my own? Would you still try to kill me?"
Depends. If you do it out of fear or regret then yes
"Nope, I'll do it out of the promise that you try to keep murdering people as a backup plan."
I can break the enchantment any time I wish. I'm just giving you a false sense of security
"You think I'm scared of you? I probably should be, but I'm not."
That'll change...when the prey accepts it's death the brain releases large amounts of dopamine to counteract the fear increasing the flavor of its flesh. Wait until the flavor is at its peak and it'll be the most addictive thing you ever taste
[b]Yusa gets up and looks at him[/b] "Keep talking, it won't change my fears."
Would the sight of your own heart work or will the feeling of the rats eating their way through your chest cavity break you? How about the hot coals sliding one by one into the wounds?
"Sounds painful, yes. But no, you're all bark and no bite."
[b]the blue eye turns a dark red[/b] Until I break my chains
[b]Yusa destroys the enchantment[/b] "Prove it then."
Gladly [b]Draws a handgun and fires, after the flash everything went black. By the time she had awoken she was on a cold metal surface and what seemed to be chains was holding her down[/b]
It's impossible for a mortal to break a spell of that much power. You only weakened it giving me a opportunity to knock you unconscious but either way welcome to purgatory
"Keelah.... This is what I get for trying to protect innocent people......"
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 2/10/2016 8:18:38 PMYou commanded me to prove it so I did [b]his wings spread and went up in flames illuminating the inside of a cage surrounded by thousands of what used to be souls are now vicious animals tearing through each other to get closer[/b]
[b]Yusa growls as she looks at him[/b] "Sentinel was right, you were always going to try to kill me, I just didn't know when."
I would have killed you when you grew too old but you ran out of rope when you tossed it all over the edge...you shouldn't doubt the power of others [b]picks up a silver sword walking around her[/b]
[b]Yusa looks at him with annoyence, unafraid of him[/b]
Who was that person you loved again? How about I give them a little piece of heaven with this blade [b]stops in front of her slamming the blade next to her finger just scraping off some skin[/b]
[b]Yusa looks at him, her resolve unwavering[/b] "Go fuçk yourself you bosh'et!"
[b]after her remark she gets kicked in the throat and struck in the hand with the handle of the sword[/b] This isn't the first or last time I hit a lady but I will do it if they decide they want to be a bitch