The man sighs and writes on the clipboard
"Not much of a talker. That's just great. Let me get the commander down here."
He walks off and a moment later Drasca walks up to you
"I hear you want to join! Before I can accept you, I have a question or two."
He looks at the commander and tilts his head.
"I'll take that as a yes. Firstly, does it worry you if civilians are accidentally killed within combat indirectly, or directly, through your actions?"
He shakes his head no.
He nods "Excellent. Secondly, how do you feel about, say, betraying an employer for more money?"
He nods his head yes.
Drasca smiles and hands him instructions "You're going to enjoy your time here. Here is your bunk. You have been grouped with a few other standout recruits."
He inspects the instructions for a few seconds before dropping them to the ground. He cracks his knuckles and makes his way to his bunk.