[b]Nice, all I got is this[/b]
[i]He draws a singlehanded longsword, black with silver edges[/i]
"I don't really need the gun though. I can just use my hands to kill people"
Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/11/2016 2:59:46 AM[i]He stops yet again[/i] [b]Cool.[/b]
"What's that look for?"
[b]Look? What do you mean?[/b]
"You seem scared"
[b]Trust me, it takes a lot to make me scared[/b]
"Then why did you pause when I said my rifle was made by the same person who made me"
[b]I did not expect it[/b]
"I was grown in a laboratory"
[b]Yeah, well I grew up in one[/b]
"No I mean I was literally grown in a tube"
[b]i know[/b]
"Good but you don't know what I'm capable of"
[b]I bet it's the same for you[/b]
"Your just as much a mystery to me as I am to you"
[b]Well then how about this 'zero'[/b] [i]He offers to shake hands[/i] [b]Im Zenith, 19, and grew up in a facility to make me compatible with my sword. How are you today[/b]
[b]she shakes your hand[/b] "I'm Subject Zero of a classified project run by Doctor Evelyn Sinclair"
[b]Great. So, it was nice meeting you. See you later[/b] [i]He puts his hand on his sword and disappears[/i] [spoiler]lol[/spoiler]
[b]she disappears[/b]