Gotta ask, cuz i hear this from a lot of people. How exactly did year 1 of Destiny "did it right" when its a 6/10 rated title and known to be "the most disappointed game of 2014"? Are your standards this low or is everyone sarcastic?
This is your year 1
The original game - 6/10 worthy POS
The queen's event - ABYSMAL. If this had a rating, it'd be on par with Big Rigs aka 2/10
1st DLC. WORST than the original game which was bad to begin with... 4/10-5/10 worthy AT BEST
2nd DLC. on par with the first dlc but with ZERO endgame content. 3/10-4/10 worthy at best.
Now please tell me, how in the actual f*ck can anything be worst than this? Its bad now, yes BUT SO WAS THE FIRST YEAR. Remember bungie spamming their "we've learned from our past mistakes"? Well, guess what, [b]they didn't learn shit[/b]. In over two god damn years, this game didn't improve one single bit. Was a mess at launch. Is a mess on January 11th 2016.
Ice Breaker was actually good. For PvE I mean