I sometimes use Y1 weapons (PvP) just because i like them. It doesn't mean that i don't know how to use the Y2 weapons..
Yesterday i was playing crimson and i used the thorn just because i haven't played with it in quite a while and to complete the bounty where u have to make kills with different weapons. We were on round three when i got a message from the opponents saying, scrub no skill thornbitch...
I was like wtf dude get a fking life.. first it's for the bounty and second so what if i use thorn (he was playing icebreaker)... It takes no skill?? The weapon doesn't fire by itself.. U still need to aim and shoot and fking hit the target.. It's not like the weapons is aiming itself and killing sh*t while i just run circles...
The bit*hing part of this community needs to stfu and get a life.. Nobody ever complained when they were killing shit with the gjallarhorn that it's too OP... What do people wanna see, Ban of year one weapons and the by far OP weapons now?? Then what?? There will always be weapons better then other weapons. Fking deal with it or ask Bungie to delete all the weapons but one in PvP. That way no weapon will be OP... No fking wonder we had so many OP weapons during certain months.
1999 vs 325 in the (i'll admit biased) poll. I have been trying some Y1 weapons in the trials last weekend and i've come across a lot of players doing the same. Ice breaker was a favorite and of course Thorn. When looking at the map I still picked my Mida, since is I believe more effective then the Thorn because most games were played on range. Equipping a sidearm and switching to a sniper was also popular. I also have to a admit we had some encouters that were really laggy... They just didn't die... Image u Fist of havok someone with the titan and they just run away like u slided in istead of using ur super...
Hope u guys had fun with the Y1 weapons in Crimson Doubles, I know I had a blast.. Enjoy your 320 ghosts guys and I can't wait on more info about the large dlc later this year and the sequal of destiny in 2017!!!
IT'S finally confirmed!! (just wonder if we will have to say goodbye forever to our atm Y1 weapons) What do you guys think/speculate??
Ngl I use the old IB auto rifle and that thing melts faster than TLW at mid to close range. My found verdict never left my side ethier. As for heavy I kinda like the barons ambition (has all the stability perks).
I am absolutely loving using my year one stuff. Feels good to be able to use different guns and still be competitive.
No one ever actively complained about Gjallarhorn because it was the only reason they survived this game. Flashback to March, 2015: "Need 2 for Hard Mode Crota, must have maxed Gjallarhorn or you will be kicked. Gt is **********. Message for invite."
Why is it that people get so angry at a game.
It's not that u have no skill its just using thorn and weapons like thorn make the game sweaty and not fun for the other teams trying to use weapons that are directly meta but if all u do is shotgun ur a scrub pick up a sniper or a fusion try something else to make u a better skilled player
If Bungie made more powerful Y2 weapons, people wouldn't use Y1 weapons. Y1 arguably holds the best PvP weapons to this day. Thorn, Her Benevolence, LDR, The Supremacy, Matador, so on and so forth.
I was using a thorn because the other team started using thorn first. One of my teammates proceeded to shoot me then spam hate messages at me that I suck because I have to use thorn. I tried explaining that the only reason I was using thorn was to fight fire with fire. He proceeded to tell me how much I suck because I had to use thorn against thorn users. I explained that I do BETTER with other weapons but wanted to annoy the team that was annoying me by using thorn. He couldn't understand that logic.
Thorn just gets a bad rap because of its dominance of y1 and how OP it was and still kinda is. Thorn and rockets in PvP are what make me mad. I'm fine with the rest of y1 because they are easily countered. I still break out Necrochasm in regular PvP and can dominate with it.
I use the gjallahorn on pvp every now and then... I've actually received one in VoG recently... I dismantled it in front of a fire-team that never got it... Hehehe
Edited by sciroccojunky: 2/11/2016 6:44:56 PMIf it works use it. I think it's awesome you can rock year one stuff. I started year two so it's all new to me. It's a good excuse to get better in crucible as well. Most guns require skill to use anyway so it's not like they do the kills on their own. IMHO
I have never complained about any weapon, excluding thorn. They need to take away the flinch/green effect the poison gives you
Edited by Alvin Thwait: 2/11/2016 1:40:15 PMPff, I always use my Hopscotch Pilgrim in pvp unless light levels play a part. The hand canon kills part of the Shaxx bounties will see me crack out Thorn from now on as I forgot about it until this week. Running around with a shitty Imago Loop is no fun at all. I will cherish your anguish
Thorn and Felwinter's are bitch weapons. Anything else is fine
Y1 weapons aren't even better. Ok, Thorn is a theeeshot bodyshot killer and IB is exploited a lot...but other than that, the weapons are basically all the same.
I don't have a problem with people using year 1 weapons, but thorn irritates the crap out of me, imo no other gun competes with it currently, thorn 3 taps to the body... TO THE BODY, it's very irritating to play against, I didn't have as much of a problem with it back in year 1 because last word could out shoot it, but I don't feel like it does anymore
I feel ya. I don't care if people use year one weapons. I myself use purple rain every now and again.
No problem with any yr 1 weapons[spoiler]except thorn[/spoiler]
honestly, i get annoyed sometimes when i see the opponent is using thorn since i saw it all of year one. but i wanna have fun and use it too. i don't complain like others and message the opponent and insult them. i do, however, tell them gg. i show good sportsmanship. people always have something to bitch about so you should pay no attention to them. lol :) they're just negativity that you don't need in your life!
First, nobody cares. Second, it's the Thorn. What do you expect?
I didn't keep most of mine, like my vault nice and empty but i don't get the rage about it at all. I got sniped by Icebreakers and Shadow of Veils in Crimson Doubles yesterday, so the -blam!- what? Would i be less dead if someone had shot me in the head with a y2 sniper instead? I may pull a Thorn out and use it tonight just for old times sake. This community will cry over anything.
Edited by The New Monarch: 2/11/2016 4:50:41 PMNo offense but I had to vote against you simply because you were using Thorn. You may not be a scrub but Thorn is easy mode and personally I don't understand why people use it. I had enough of it and it's burn in Year 1 to last the whole "10 years" of Destiny. This coming from someone who used to use Thorn a lot. To be clear I don't complain when people use Year 1 weapons...I mean where else are you going to use them. I'm just over the Thorn and even if it is easy kills I can't bring myself to play with it again.
Play the way you want to play...
I miss Longbow Synthesis. It was blue. I'll use it sometimes because it is blue.
They complain. You complain because of their complaints. Take your own advice and play how you want to play.
Flex those year one myscles tjorns gkalls univ remotes...alllllll of that...we got them...soooo...who says we cant...the criers? Lol i like making ppl cry ;)
You're not a bîtch for using "year 1 weapons" You're a bîtch for using thorn. <3