I sometimes use Y1 weapons (PvP) just because i like them. It doesn't mean that i don't know how to use the Y2 weapons..
Yesterday i was playing crimson and i used the thorn just because i haven't played with it in quite a while and to complete the bounty where u have to make kills with different weapons. We were on round three when i got a message from the opponents saying, scrub no skill thornbitch...
I was like wtf dude get a fking life.. first it's for the bounty and second so what if i use thorn (he was playing icebreaker)... It takes no skill?? The weapon doesn't fire by itself.. U still need to aim and shoot and fking hit the target.. It's not like the weapons is aiming itself and killing sh*t while i just run circles...
The bit*hing part of this community needs to stfu and get a life.. Nobody ever complained when they were killing shit with the gjallarhorn that it's too OP... What do people wanna see, Ban of year one weapons and the by far OP weapons now?? Then what?? There will always be weapons better then other weapons. Fking deal with it or ask Bungie to delete all the weapons but one in PvP. That way no weapon will be OP... No fking wonder we had so many OP weapons during certain months.
1999 vs 325 in the (i'll admit biased) poll. I have been trying some Y1 weapons in the trials last weekend and i've come across a lot of players doing the same. Ice breaker was a favorite and of course Thorn. When looking at the map I still picked my Mida, since is I believe more effective then the Thorn because most games were played on range. Equipping a sidearm and switching to a sniper was also popular. I also have to a admit we had some encouters that were really laggy... They just didn't die... Image u Fist of havok someone with the titan and they just run away like u slided in istead of using ur super...
Hope u guys had fun with the Y1 weapons in Crimson Doubles, I know I had a blast.. Enjoy your 320 ghosts guys and I can't wait on more info about the large dlc later this year and the sequal of destiny in 2017!!!
IT'S finally confirmed!! (just wonder if we will have to say goodbye forever to our atm Y1 weapons) What do you guys think/speculate??
People complain how Bungie made year 1 content irrelevant. Even though year 1 guns are still relevant in crucible. But you if you use them you are a scrub. lol
To be fair, only bad guys use Thorn. [i]Are you a bad guy, OP?[/i]
I use year ░▄▀▄▀▀▀▀▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░ ░█░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░░░░▄░ █░░▀░░▀░░░░░▀▄▄░░█░█ █░▄░█▀░▄░░░░░░░▀▀░░█ █░░▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░█ █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ ░█░░▄▄░░▄▄▄▄░░▄▄░░█░ ░█░▄▀█░▄▀░░█░▄▀█░▄▀░ ░░▀░░░▀░░░░░▀░░░▀░░░Help this dog take over Bungie.net by copying and pasting this dog every where
Even the Y1 legendaries were better than what we have now
I'm guessing most of the crybabies are people like me who hardly play pvp, and suck at it. I only played a few teams using thorn, and they were good players for the most part. A few "tryhard" teams with thorns and alpha lupis. I expect to lose to those teams because they are better then me. So point is: move on! Stop worrying about what other people are playing with. If you lose, get better or get use to it.
Why can't y2 players put in the time to get y1 weapons?
If it's in the game, use it.
Yeah! People should use what they want when they want where they want it.
They need to just bring it to year 2 so everyone can get it and quit bitching. People are just mad because they want to be using it they are just too stupid. That guy would rather run special which many people would say the same to them. Bungie wants you to use you primary and didn't put level advantage for a reason. That's an open invitation to use and primary you want. Every time I die to thorn it just makes me miss my account on my 360 with my thorn. Stupid bungie not letting me absorb it into my ps4. It's on bungies servers not Xbox or PlayStation. They could do it but don't. Off topic. There is nothing wrong with using thorn. You could say the same about tlw. It's still a super power just not very good at range. A gun is a gun. You can beat thorn.
Because people are ignorant and dumb. If I want to use a year one weapon, I'm going to use it. If I want to use a year two weapon, I'm going to use it. See how simple that is? ...what? Is there some sort of unspoken code we're suppose to conform to? The unwritten book on weapon use? [b]NO.[/b] If you cry about people using year one weapons, you're just plain dumb and should probably leave the game. If you don't, than you're fine because nothing changes and are playing the game as intended, as it was meant to be.
I havent played destiny since december, but yea, y1 guns are part of the game. If they are still strong options it is unrealistic to expect people to not use them due only to some perceived sense of shame about using y1 guns
Spot on
Year 1 was the best, too bad destiny went to shit.
Dot plus no health recovery makes thorn OP which is why we won't be seeing it in any other upgraded form just like ghorn for pve. Not gonna call anyone a bitch but the fact that you used it over many other viable options shows that you wanted to be cheap about the kills for the HC. There's many other good HC options from Yr 2 you could have chosen over thorn. I'm using hawkmoon for my HC kills.
The kind of idiots that try and shame someone over using a make believe gun in a video game, are very easy to ignore.
I broke out the Lord High Fixer for the doubles bounty. It is still good.
Edited by way455: 2/11/2016 3:51:18 PMY1 weapons were stronger. Why wouldn't people use them if there is no light level for this event. I think it was a poor decision but hey, what's one more stupid decision by Bungie?
I don't see why people are getting upset about Thorn, it's so easy to counter now.
This proves that people with mental issues use Thorn. Who the hell actually gets offended by a random message online?
Thorn should only burn on headshots and shouldn't kill you. Fixed. A weapon that does DoT that kills you will never be balanced.
I only have a problem with Icebreaker. Matter of fact I use my Hard Luck Mk. 52.
Edited by E-Sentinel: 2/11/2016 2:36:14 PM
Exactly dude either way we payed for this game to play how we want I guess they got it to complain about being total shit at the game but yeah I agree
My only issue is with thorn. The gun is over powered and broken. My fix? Instead of a dot, make it so you take more damage. It works like a tether or burning point. Maybe adds +3% per bullet and doesn't prevent recovery.
I sometimes cry about year one weapon people cause they suck for taking advantage of shit like the icebreaker right now.... even tho i kill 95% of them easily cause they mostly are bad players... it's your fault using year 1 weapons that u can't use in the higher skilled pvp modes ;).. But i hate it more that bungie can't make weapons better balanced.. i use the last word and mida as primary because in a 1 vs 1 they usually #@ck any auto or pulse rifle.. or any other primary.. even tho i hate both of those weapons playstyles... still gonna get you with my thesan fr4 tho... sometimes snipe u away with my glass and shoot your head of with the still way too much ranged theory d.. all destiny needs is balanced.. and all that sony has to do is stop letting console players play with a mouse and keyboard... cause that's the only reason i play consoles for.. not using that shit... and it's far the higher advantage than any weapon.. and u need by far less skill with sniping cause your reaction time is way higher... those are the really unskillfull players right now ;)... so any streamer talking big out there using mouse and keyboard... get at me using a controller and i'll eat you up!
Thorn is still op in crucible an is a sweaty try hard exploit gun. That can only be matched by using thorn. Fair enough you wanna use old guns just not thorn . It's DoT is a HUGE advantage over every other gun.