Thorn is op.
I pulled it out for some games and it was freaking op.
Hence hate messages are quite normal.
Stop whining about it here.
If you use year one weapon you are a scotch Brite scrub.
Because year 1 weapons are op.
And you need them to win game as you can't win with year 2 lol
Next time before u start commenting check what someone is using. If you have checked my games on destinytracker or something you would have seen that i used thorn for maybe 6/7 rounds and that i use Y2 weapons on all the other games in there. Learn to counter a Y1 weapons instead of being a crybabie.. Oooh It's so OP bungie please Deej nerf it, get it off Destiny... Don't forget to select the second poll answer (crybaby in it)
I care less what you used. If you are crying about people telling you to not to be scrub because you are using thorn, stfu. You go in any crucible match, people use thorn every single time. Played with this kid and stayed in lobby for 2 hours and he didn't switch. Same freaking loadout. Blink, thorn, matador and btrd. I even told him that he is a scrub and he agreed. He said man I just want advantage so I am gonna get it with thorn.
Dude stfu, Just so someone is playing a certain loadout that you don't like he is a scrub.. gtfoff my post and deal with or ask bungie to delete all the weapons and just give us one weapon with the same perks for everyone
You are turd. Aren't you. That dude is my friend. And doesn't matter what you say, if you are using thorn, you are a scrub. There are more people who will agree with me over you. So calm your titties and go use thorn scrubby turd
283 agrees vs 50 crybabies don't forget to select the second poll answer, and get those 50 to 51. Help ur fellow crybabies a bit ;)
You made a biased poll retard. If you don't realize that, there is no point arguing. And if you did intentionally, you are one turd that need to be flushed right away
like I said: Don't forget to select the second poll answer (crybaby in it)
As your brain is size of frozen pea, let me say again, you have a biased poll. If I make a poll, 1. people using thorn who do not agree thorn is op are turds 2. People who understand thorn knows it's op and shouldn't be used. What do you think people will choose more? Make an unbiased poll and then reply.
Edited by AcidGlowx: 2/13/2016 1:58:34 PMand your poll still shows more ppl agree thorn is nerfed enough. Failpoll :)
Another proof you are an idiot. It's a opinion poll not a nerf post.
Some year ones are op. My Low down PXIV is certainly not
The Low Down P14 is like bringing a flamethrower into a match. Love that gun.
I take it you deleted your year one weapons and now you're regretting it?
My friend I do have almost every raid and exotic from year 1 in my vault along with fulcrum, hopscotch, felwinters lie some of my other favs from year 1. So no you took it wrong way ;) that too without lube. You do know that it's gonna hurt.
If you have them, then why are you complaining? Is it all year one weapons, or just Thorn you're upset about?
Thorn and messenger. They are op. I don't care for anything else. Every other weapon has same archetype in year 2. There is no point on complaining about them. If they have better roll with year 1, they would use that. If they get even better roll in year 2, people will use that weapon. You see my point?
I have a Purifier VII that allows me to spawn with ammo. Does that make me a scrub for using it?
Naah man. You definitely gain advantage. Also I have praedyths revenge. I don't use it just because I don't like that unfair advantage.