He's not talking about the pvp part m8, he means the pve part where you have to kill that over leveled bullshit on the phogoth strike.
It's really hard to solo
Soloed it yr 1 and it took for fuking ever. 2 hours trying, waiting on that stupid wizard to come out. The rage was real. Died to many times to remember now but damn it felt good after I got it done. To bad I hate everything that Thorn is in PVP.
Edited by jitsudave: 2/11/2016 1:22:43 PMThe PvE part? The strike? I solo'd that on my warlock (admittedly I had self Rez) and 2 man'd it on my hunter. I didn't think it was too tough. Most people bitch about the pvp part and think that entitles them to use an op gun because they can get some void shotgun kills or whatever.
It's not the end that's difficult but when you have to open the door and get swarmed by wizards it gets hectic (Especially when you were below level 30)