Either way your Mida is considered a "crutch" aswell. You should use a the common kvostov if you have skill fag.
Now you're just parroting things you've heard noobs say. You and I both know there is no argument to be made against the MIDA. But the .26s TTK primary, TLW, definitely had some issues. For example, it's 3x faster kill time than any other primary or the fact that it enables people to main their special weapons. TLW is responsible for the current sniper plague in the Crucible
Edited by DeafFB0: 2/11/2016 7:10:54 PMThat's where you're wrong. Yes, Mida is perfectly fine and is dumb to be complained about, which is why I quoted the typical PvE forumer response about what's op and what's not. But so was sniping with TLW (not y1 TLW though, that was clearly broke). But here's where you hypocritically accuse me of parroting (which was intentional to show forum logic) but then you say previously "sniper TLW scrub setup". Which was never looked down upon until y2 hit. .26 ttk is only with double hipfire headshots. Which is like 1/10 games if that? Critical ttk is .52 while straight bodyshots is .80 ttk. In comparison your sidearm is .56 crit and .80 body. Minimal difference. Mida is also One of the highest AA primaries at 90. And there is bullet magnitism on primaries, not snipers.