Edit: I made a normal poll to see opinion of community. Totally forgot about how many 12 year old salty turds exist here. Without reading anything, they are telling me go to year 1 and other crap.
I am year 1. I have 2300+ hours in game. Have 7000 kills with thorn in year 1.
All of you turds who are telling me how it was op, this poll is not saying what was op year 1 or year 2.
Compare thorn in year 2 with other exotic weapons like red death, suros, boolean gemini.
Why I think thorn is op.
3 shot body shot with fastest fire rate hand cannon. Which usually is 4-5
Tracks enemy.
Stop recovery for 7 effing seconds
All of you who are telling me you can counter it, for sure you can counter it. Problem is, most probably it will still kill you if other person is even half decent.
Please post your honest opinion. Now by honest I mean honest.
If you use it and like it, it's good but that won't change the fact that it's not op.
Happy hunting guardians
Why are we polling a nerfed y1 weapon? I absolutely destroyed every team using thorn this week. Hawksaw, couvalance duty, eysoluna, inward lamp, etc...it was fun watching them try though.
Thorn is fine. It's an exotic. Stop whining. It's easy to counter with skill...
It's fine where it's at. The only problem is how annoying it is.
Anyone complaining about Thorn only started in year 2 and never had to deal with it in year one when it was actually OP.
Yayyy it almost feels like y1 again!
You all think thorn is OP. I remember when it was the worst gun in the game: Slowest RoF Slowest reload speed (even with an armor piece to buff reloads for HCs) Lowest range and stability So one morning super early I hear of these exotic shards being introduced and I'm like "hey I have 3 crappy handcannons I can break down." Boom. Three shards. Didn't think twice about it. Later on in the afternoon, the weekly update comes in with patch notes and what do I read "All hand cannons are getting buffed to be in line with pulse and auto rifles, and compete well with scouts". In less than 3 hours the worst gun in the game became the best, and I was stuck trudging through the crucible yet again with Atheons epilogue, my void 77 wizard and corrective measure grinding out the exotic bounty again. It's still all the rage. I get it, and understand why. But you almost never see it, and without the Crimson buff it really isn't OP. (Crimson buff does make it a bit powerful since you can just spam the trigger and instant reload) At the end of the day, it's just another gun you kill with or get killed by.
Bungie buffs hand cannons so of course the historic BEST hc is coming along for the ride. 3 shot body shot weapon that has DoT. Still one of the best weapons in the game again. Honestly needs to go back to being nerfed and crappy like in vanilla.
Annoying but not OP
Umm if I had to change something on it I would swap the dot to something like what a suppression grenade does! It's still poisons you, but with something that stops your abilities, not something that kills you! The bullets should be doing the killing!
Not anymore it's not. Can be out gunned by mida, doctrine, etc
Thorn isn't OP but it is getting annoying running into teams running icebreaker. Had 4 teams in a row while playing doubles where both of the players on the opposing team ran icebreaker.
Its not op it just isnt rewarding for getting headshots compared to body shots
It's already been nerfed once, quit crying
Too much range. Slight range nerf (not like hawkmoon) would handle it.
3 body shot kill with the fastest rof hand canon archetype. Lowest rof hand canons 3 shot body low armor targets. See the problem?
Here's a balancing idea: just hide the damage numbers it makes when someone is hurting from the poison. Boom. Allows you to run away and heal before returning to combat
...how did this year one post get bumped into 'latest???'
Holy crap all you guys do is complain. Use it if its OP. You people make this game suck
I'd be fine with it if other Hand cannons besides it and lastword worked
Not op
A gun that prevents healing has no place in crucible. It's gonna make me take a break from destiny again if it becomes a problem. I've been seeing it much more often now since the general handcannon buff.
Barely a 1.0 KD, whining about a great gun.
Thorn was nerfed to where it is now and you'd like another Nerf on top of that? My honest opinion... Stop playing video games and pick up some Barbie dolls because it's very apparent that you have a vagina in between your legs
This guy... dafuq is he on???
It should never have been buffed in the first place. That's my stance
I'm not the best in the crucible, yet I haven't ran into a single person that could kill me 1v1 with thorn. There's too many good alternatives that easily compete with thorn in its current state. So imo it's fine. It has a dot, which will always make some people salty, but I don't find it op, not even a little.