....chaos. [b]I begin to dissolve[/b] My time is being cut short. PROTECT THEM. Please. The afterlife depends on it! [b]I fade away.[/b] [b]The twilight fades. And skull kid lies before you. You begin rising on a platform which brings you up to the door [/b]
*Walks over to skull kid" "Yo, wake up"
[b]He opens his eyes [/b] [i]Hehehehehehehehe. Who are you?[/i] [b]He jumps up with a twirl.[/b]
"Names Zane, you helped me out before, so I felt it was right to come help you out"
[i]"Well...thanks!" "See you later!"[/i] [b]He twirls up and disappears.[/b] [spoiler]Even if things are anti-climactic in the end...sometimes the gratifying part is knowing you did the right thing.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah[/spoiler] "Hopefully he stays out of trouble" *Exits the room*
[b]A staircase opens up at the side opposite of you. Where you slid down. [/b]
*Walks up the staircase*
[b]As you get out of the temple. You hear that cocky voice.[/b] WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?! [b]The deity dismounts off his horse and walks towards you.[/b]
"Went to go repay a favor, why do you care?"
Becaaaaaaaaaaause you are my partner! My amigo! My pal! When your gone for more than two weeks you have me worried!
2 weeks? Damn, didn't realize it was that long.
Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/13/2016 9:15:01 PMHow did you loose track of time like that? Didn't you bring a watch? Anyways what was in there? You weren't having a big orgy without me were you buddy...? [b]Realization comes across his face. He knows this place.[/b] Wait...wait a second...
Na, just had to help out a friend that was in trouble. Nothing major.
[b]He ignores you as he walks slowly back into the temple. Like he's completely forgotten you were there.[/b] [spoiler]Quest is over. This is just the epilogue [/spoiler]
Yo Deity? You alright?
[b]He pushes the vines away and enters the temple.[/b]
*Follows him*
[b]He seems enthralled by this place. He turns to you suddenly[/b] What the hell is this place?!
A temple, one of the sacred lights was here.
One of... Oh. Right? But...it's more than that. What is... [b]He moves over to the pedestal you tore off.[/b] So...familiar?
I had to place your old blade in order to get down there, thing was rusty as shit
Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/13/2016 9:49:57 PM...right. I just can't shake this feeling. Something. Bad happened here. I was there. But...I wasn't there? [b]He seems confused. And conflicted. [/b]
Huh, what do you mean?
Edited by Inflatablepants: 2/13/2016 10:32:17 PM[spoiler]Remember the memories bit I had?[/spoiler] Well it's like I've been here before! Sure I was split apart...or whatever. But why the hell do I recognize this room in particular?! ...the pants. God damn it was the pants. I hate pants.