... Destiny or any other games?
Do you change types of music when playing different games? (Eg. I play EDM - mostly trap - for destiny and other fps's, but slower music for xcom and the likes of it)
Let me know...
Edit- I forgot rap! I'm so sorry. I love rap and I realise it would've been quite a popular choice!
Jsuk- mmm = agreement (I'm just too lazy to type something)
Thank you sooo much! We just reached 1000 replies! This is truly awesome! You all have cool and unique music tastes. I've loved hearing everything you've said.
Man I love these posts! Lately when I don't need in game audio and etiquette allows I've been rocking a playlist that shuffles: NiN, QOTSA, Gorillaz, Little Dragon, Thom Yorke, Flying Lotus, HEALTH, kmfdm, Ministry, Puscifer, The Mars Volta, the new Marilyn Manson, M.I.A, Les Claypool (was running some Crucible, became last Guardian standing and his acoustic version of "stayin' alive" comes on and I nearly wizz the pants I wasn't wearing!), deftones, unknown mortal orchestra, crystal castles, Eagles of death metal, failure, and other good shizz. Was really hoping to be able to add some Tool into the mix, but currently refusing til they release new material. Still love all my '90's favs, but also trying to not be [i]that old guy[/i] who denounces everything that came out after he turned 24! This gen has got to be making that harder than ever I do believe. Have to really dig for those gems but that's definitely nothing new.