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2/12/2016 7:45:48 AM
[quote]I sometimes use Y1 weapons (PvP) just because i like them. It doesn't mean that i don't know how to use the Y2 weapons.. Yesterday i was playing crimson and i used the thorn just because i haven't played with it in quite a while and to complete the bounty where u have to make kills with different weapons. We were on round three when i got a message from the opponents saying, scrub no skill thornbitch... I was like wtf dude get a fking life.. first it's for the bounty and second so what if i use thorn (he was playing icebreaker)... It takes no skill?? The weapon doesn't fire by itself.. U still need to aim and shoot and fking hit the target.. It's not like the weapons is aiming itself and killing sh*t while i just run circles... The bit*hing part of this community needs to stfu and get a life.. Nobody ever complained when they were killing shit with the gjallarhorn that it's too OP... What do people wanna see, Ban of year one weapons and the by far OP weapons now?? Then what?? There will always be weapons better then other weapons. Fking deal with it or ask Bungie to delete all the weapons but one in PvP. That way no weapon will be OP... No fking wonder we had so many OP weapons during certain months. [b]Update:[/b] Last night i played a few matches Crimson and all i used were Y1 guns. Atheons Epilogue, Vex Mythoclast, Messenger & Efrideet and those weapons recttttt... It was fun to use those again and actually do damage with them. I did get some hate mail tho but mostly from Y2 players who taught i was cheating because of the Epilogue... Did encouter a lot of last switches to icebreaker..[/quote] Thorn isn't the most op weapon anymore. Everyone is still hurting I guess from year 1, but thorn does now have plenty of counters to it. Any weapon that fires faster then it (necrochasm, mida, tlw, bad juju, doctrine of passing) will shred thorn users. If you keep your shots on target. And if you use mida , you pretty much are guaranteed a win. Mida shoots way faster then it, has high caliber rounds to stagger the guy with thorn, and it increase you speed making it that much harder to hit you. If the meta was slower I would understand, thorn is a gun that would do well in a slower pace meta, were there not that many weapons that fire faster then you can blink. I'm not saying thorn isn't a pain to deal with, just saying there are ways to beat a thorn user

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