[quote]Lol "ITS OP IM BAD AT PLAYING" should be the first option, seriously. People don't understand what OP means.[/quote]
Looks like you dont know what overpowered means.
Thorn is the only handcannon that can kill anyone with 3 bodyshots and it is even in the fastest firing handcannon archetype.
Not even first curse with less than half the firerate of thorn can 3 shot kill to the body.
By defintion Thorn is overpowered.
It is the most powerful weapon in the game.
Lol nah, mida tlaloc and tlw are easily better.
They really aren't
Lmao no they are not, i did use thorn yesterday in a game of crimson doubles and it is just ridiculous. Coming from someone with a lot of crucible experience.