Got all of my specs picked out and once I get the money together I'm building a PC. I need to know some good games to get.
Already looking at Arma 3 and planet side 2. I'm thinking about buying the fallout games that I already have on console just for modding. Are they worth buying over again just for that?
Any other recommendations appreciated.
Ark survival.... Never played it Just looks good...
Wildstar. It's a f2p mmo similar to WoW.
Get left for dead or the 2nd.
Don't waste your time with Fallout 3. It crashes constantly.
Skyrim, mod the shaize out of it, enjoy
If you're into turn based strategy: civ 5 or total war (total war is also an rts during battles) rts: Starcraft 2 supreme commander, total annihilation Shooter: tf2, cs:go are good to start with Open world/RPGs: skyrim, oblivion, fallout (any of them), just cause 3 There are many others that are great but these are some of my personal favorites
TF2, dayz, and warframe
Cs go no question
What brand of CPU are you getting? AMD? I've heard that arma doesn't use all CPU cores with AMD CPUs. Which will cause issues while playing.