I might have a ps3 and no ps4 but to be honest, I don't think it should be on last generation consoles. We have to move on whether or not we like it. It will just hold back New gen consoles just like Destiny. Even if we don't agree, Past gen console servers will be shut down for full support on the New gen consoles. In all honesty, this should happen and we need to get New gen consoles eventually. If this gets anyone worked up, I'm just expressing my opinion and some facts.. Disagree if you will but even if I have a ps3, I will oppose. [spoiler]Sorry..[/spoiler]
[quote] Past gen console servers are being shut down for full support on the New gen consoles. [/quote] You should change "are being shut down" to "will be shut down". Are being means they are currently shutting them down
Alright, my bad. Wasn't thinking clearly. Thanks for correcting me.
I don't think it is. Microsoft already announced there's no support for 360 in 2017
What game severs on PS3 are already shut down ??
Not yet. But it will be soon. And I'm talking about psn servers btw, sorry if I wasn't being specific.