*a beautiful red head with green eyes and angel wings appears on Logan's shoulder*
Logan: I'm Logan. And the red head on my shoulder is epsilon her and all her friends live in my head.
Epsilon: hello.
[i]He sighs as suddenly a knife cut appears on his arm[/i] [b]Damn, well I'm going to be honest Logan. Right now your behind cover and I'm kicking some major ass. This isn't real, but I can make it as real as you want.[/b] [i]He holds out his arm as all the bullets make a ball, he expands it and makes it smaller again.[/i] [b]See?[/b]
That doesn't sound like me at all....your like making me trip aren't you?
[b]Not trip, it's a simple hallucination. Here's an example[/b] [i]A window breaks and you are sucked into space, not suffocating you see Mercury standing on top of the station with no helmet[/i] [b]So I'm almost done here. I'll wake you up in a sec, for now, just enjoy the view[/b] [i]He disappears as you see a meteor storm [/i]
*he sighs and begins talking in a strange language to these people* [spoiler]Personality apparitions: Alpha: Compassion https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d5/4d/c1/d54dc1eb8df68928687bb1cdd04df984.jpg Beta: Deviance. http://img02.deviantart.net/8623/i/2009/186/a/d/hell_demons__awww_yeaaaah_by_cheeseboy18193.jpg Gamma: Lust. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3ZMc_c7VIjo/UX6p6h8lmGI/AAAAAAAAEZY/zc9Mpz-8I5s/s1600/World_of_Warcraft_Sarlia_Succubus.jpg Delta: Anger. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/halo/images/5/5a/1243200792-SPartan-097.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090524213513 Epsilon: Empathy. http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/86a2b3db4b3ec580d6ac9b933e3654c8/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v286/SilverDreamer/Anime%20girls/Lost_Angel_by_Sugargrl14-1.jpg Zeta: Fear. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b7/9b/37/b79b377118f630a371fa9591e6148e5f.jpg Theta: Happiness. http://images4.alphacoders.com/238/238556.jpg Sigma: Morose http://www.relyonhorror.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/shadows21.jpg Omega:Hate http://orig01.deviantart.net/58bd/f/2012/200/8/9/demon_knight_by_joostk-d57vusg.png[/spoiler]
[i]Everything freezes again, you wake up[/i]
*they all stay on his shoulders as he looks around* next time don't make me miss all the action....
[i]Mercury is sitting on the ground against a wall, a knife hit on his upper arm[/i] [b]You got in the way[/b]
Then don't make me a bench warmer.
[b]Well if someone's in the way that's what you normally do. Did you enjoy the view I made?[/b]
Oh yeah thanks for the reminder....*he sighs and slips his knife in pistol back in its holster*
[b]So, Logan. Why were you here[/b]
I'm being hunted and the hunters suck at hunting.
[b]Well that is the greatest way someone has ever explained something to me[/b]
Don't matter.
[b]Never said it did. Well Logan, you can stay on the station for however long you want, you can do whatever you want. That won't kill me. [/b]
No promises.
[b]Good luck[/b]
[b]Nothing. See you later Logan [/b] [i]He walks back to his room[/i]