[b]Yusa looks at her then gulps, she holds her hand out and creates a blade of pure darkness[/b]
*The woman grins even wider as she eyes the sword* "Ohhh... Delicious.... Mind if I have a bite?" *Her eyes are pitch-black. As you wrench your eyes from hers, you notice how she's dressed. She's wearing some kind of armored body suit, adorned with bandoliers full of weapons and explosives. Not the most friendly sort of person....*
"Stay back, I'm not here for a fight."
"Good. Neither am I. Now gimme some more of that delectable darkness girl. I'm hungry." *She continues to advance, reaching towards the dark sword*
[b]Yusa yanks it back and pulls out her arc pistol[/b]
"Awww... Now this is no fun..." *She looks at the pistol pointed at her, then grins* "Does that make food too?"
"If you eat electricity, then yes."
"Oh. Well... What kind of electricity?" *She grins again*
"You know what? Here you go." [b]Yusa creates a ball of darkness and hands it to her[/b]
*She reaches out and it absorbs into her hand. The woman smiles with contentment* "Ahhhh... That was good...."
"How does that work anyway?"
"Well.... I've never really bothered to figure that out. Weird huh? Over a eon of existence, and I haven't even gotten to that question." *She shrugs* "Go figure." [u]Ma'am, the nearby system is giving us trouble. Shall we continue on?[/u] "Ah, give me a moment." *She holds down her comlink* "Yes commander, continue with the invasion. I will be there shortly."
"Invasion? Why are you invading?"
*She shrugs* "I got bored. And the Imperium has started its advance again. I'd like to have a few backup bases in this galaxy. Well, it's been nice talking, but I have a solar system to invade!!" *She smirks and taps a button on her suit* "One to [i]Eclipse[/i]." [u]Confirmed, we have your location.[/u] *And with that, the woman is surrounded by pulsating lights before fading away*
"Well then, I'll have to be careful if o fight her. My darkness attacks will be nothing but food to her......"