Every night around 9pm eastern time I get a weasel error message.
I'm on Xbox One with Cox internet.
I have the ports forwarded as they recommend from the network guide pages and I usually have 150-175 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up.
I also am connected to my router by ethernet cable.
This briefly stopped for a week or two but picked back up to happening every night this week.
Before this time, it usually happened around 8pm and seemed happen 10 minutes earlier each consecutive day until it was happening at 6pm, then it stopped for the aforementioned week or two.
Any help would be appreciated. I'll probably call my ISP over the weekend, but I feel telling them I'm getting a connection error in a single video game when the rest of the house's internet is just fine won't be enough for them to go off of.
Something to do with your network if it's happening around the same time often. Either someone is feeding off your router, if you have multiple devices hooked up to it. Check it out for sure!