I am unsure if [i]"Off-topic"[/i] is a community or just a forum site to rant and troll? :/
So [i]WHO[/i] is the nicest person on Off-Topic?
There is no indication of anyone with that title or am I over speculating and that there is no one by that title, and that Off-Topic is just a forum site full of random topics? :/
Sithrak. Have you noticed life is cruel and insensible? That's because its creator is angry and insane- Sithrak the Blind Gibberer! When you die, Sithrak tortures you forever, whether you were good or not. I find that really liberating. No matter how bad your life is, it gets worse after! Stay alive as long as you can! Nothing you do will make Sithrak angry, because he was angry already! So why not convert to Sithrak, the god who hates you unconditionally?