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2/13/2016 7:13:00 PM
Stop whining . It's not cheating in any way. The gun was made for that purpose and if someone wants to use it and lower their light level then that's fine. Also if they swap weapons it still takes time for the ammo to generate and it's really not an advantage. You cry babies will always have something to gripe about if they eliminate the icebreaker all together you would whine about whatever else someone kills you with.

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  • It is cheating. The description for Icebreaker clearly states on its exotic perk that it regenerates its "own" ammo, not regenerate "special" ammo... so for someone to use icebreaker first round and then switch to their better gear just for the sake of having special ammo quicker despite the recent special ammo nerf is effectively cheating. Disagree if you want (you seem the type that can't comprehend another line of thought anyways judging by your previous comments) but the solution is to not eliminate icebreaker and they shouldn't nerf it. What Bungie needs to do is make it so that if you switch your special weapon at any point during a crucible match (dead, score screen what ever) then you LOSE all special ammo, this will then encourage players to use their primary weapon more often AS INTENDED. But until then, anyone doing this exploit is effectively cheating, the whole ammo glitch with icebreaker has been around since Dark Below and a glitch is CHEATING, no discussion about that.

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  • Still isn't cheating. It's a video game. Play it and shut up. Seriously you guys will cry about anything.

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  • First off: Your attitude is uncalled for Second off: It IS cheating because its exploiting, FACT. Third off: I'm not crying about it, I just know what side of the argument I stand by. I don't care about this game too much anymore. Fourth: Don't tell me what to do, I will not shut up just because you can not have a civil (adult) debate about this with me. Again, attitude uncalled for. I knew you would disagree with me about the exploit/cheat... but if you are going to do so then just be an adult about it and be polite about it yeah?

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  • Haha. You are a joke. It isn't an exploit. It's a mechanic that's in the game. If it was an issue they have known about it for long enough to fix it. I can see the side you're taking and it is the whiny side. This is a video game that's being played for fun. It's not a tournament with set rules so it's not cheating. It's adapting to the special ammo issue that was put in place due to people like you who whine about special weapons being over used. And this issue doesn't really affect me either way because I don't play pvp all that much but when I do I find ways to deal with the snipers and the shotguns. But by your replies I can tell that you are one of those 'entightled' kids that thinks everything should be handed to you.

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  • Again, your attitude is uncalled for. I will not stoop down to your level about this. YES it is an exploit. It's a mechanic in the game that they HAVE known about for a long time and refuse to do anything about it. Like I mentioned before the perk for icebreaker says it regenerates its OWN ammo, not SPECIAL ammo, therefore it should not give out special ammo to any other secondary but itself, yet people exploit this issue for their crutch weapons. I am not on the whiny side, I am on the side that wants this game FIXED, not for these PVPers to constantly moan and break EVERYTHING about the game. Trials if the closest thing to a "tournament" that this game has and therefore people should play it the way it was intended, not for exploits that out-do Bungies wishes to continue to ruin the crucible experience. I never onced complained about the over use of special ammo in the crucible NOR do I believe that everything should be handed to me, so you are sadly mistaken about this, know your facts before you accuse me. If anything your constant childish and aggressive attitude towards me when I am trying to have an adult debate about this with you shows to everyone that it is YOU who is the joke. If you are going to continue this attitude towards me rather then treated each other with respect then you prove just how toxic this community is and I will just mute you: I have no time nor desire to deal with man-children who can't be respectful towards anyone.

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  • Get off your high horse and don't sit here and belittle me. You are wrong. I don't have an attitude but you came into this conversation with an attitude thinking I couldn't understand the other side of a topic. Maybe you should take your own advice and be more open minded. Now go get your participation trophy and have a good day.

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  • No you showed me attitude straight away. I stated my thoughts on the opinion and you came at me with attitude, therefore you deserved the belittling you got from me kiddo. I am not wrong, we have conflicting opinions and its clear we cant even agree to disagree as adults because you're too much of a man child to treat anyone else with respect. You also made claims about me without knowing ANY facts about me and you got all defensive about it. I am open minded, I will listen to other peoples opinions and either side with them or debate with them as an adult, not as a man child that you demonstrate. Have a great day kiddo, I'm looking forward to another debate with you and getting you annoyed at me yet again as the man child you are and I will take great joy in belittling you in the future kiddo ;)

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  • Haha. Like I said you think mighty highly of yourself an once again are wrong. By the way you argue like a woman so maybe that explains it. Your very first response was assuming something about me that you had no information about and knew nothing about so as I said take your own advice and you might have better luck arguing with a kid that falls for your self important BS but you aren't fooling anybody here.

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  • LMFAO did you honestly try the sexist card on me? Nice job making yourself look like a sexiest asshole XD Boy do I love playing a song and making you kids dance to my tune! And yeah I made an assumption on you, BASED on what I already saw from your attitude towards other people, THATS THE DIFFERENCE between you: a man child who has proven himself to be sexiest and not smart enough to relish when he's being trolled then me: someone educated enough in the human mind to not only get people to react to me how I WANT them too but also to get people to show their true colours (again, this is YOU being SEXIEST). Congratulations kiddo for falling for my stunt, you really showed me ;)

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  • I'm not trying to show you anything. You show your ignorance yourself. And you are so full of yourself and short sighted that every point you make is hypocritical. All my accusations of you were made according to things you said as well. And I stand by everything I've said and still think you take an illogical approach to argument. Ma'am.

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  • You still continue to show how sexiest you truly are XD Kiddo please, the only thing your showing me is how stupid you really are and I'm LOVING it! Continue to show everyone on this post how sexiest you are, if I was to make a poll right now about your statements equally sexiest asshole then you would be outnumbered by far ;) Not short sighted kiddo, I'm just enjoying myself now while I watch you destroy yourself by continue to make sexiest comments. Got anything to say about that? Or do you see woman as inferior beings because according to all the woman I just spoke to about your little comment they would have your guts for seeing them that way. Nice job XD Please, continue to make yourself look more like an ass, I'm dying to troll you further ^_^

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  • Haha. Good try. Hard to find women in your mom's basement. And I'm not here to impress anyone. And didn't really day anything degrading to women.... I said you argue like a woman and if your opinion and other opinions are that that was degrading then you must see some flaw in your arguments...

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  • Err no kiddo. I have my own house... once again you made an assumption without having any facts, so I win again ;) Second off, EVERY WOMAN that I asked them saying "does a guy telling another guy he argues like a woman mean hes degrading woman" have ALL said YES you dumb ass XD so yeah in THEIR minds you ARE degrading them kiddo ;) Anything else you wanna say to dig your hole even more? Or is there another childish insult you want to throw at me? Clearly I'm getting to you too much now because of the "mothers basement" comment because once again I have made you danced to my tune and you have shown me YET AGAIN how much of a man child you actually are XD Sexiest man child get the hell outta here you're too funny

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  • You act like an immature kid... hence the basement comment... You argue like a woman... hence that comment... Its common fact that women and men think differently and argue differently. Its part of human physiology and a scientific fact. Also, I'm not digging any kind of hole because as I said I'm not here to impress you or anyone else AND I stand by everything I've said. You have nothing really to say so this is getting boring....

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  • Err no once again: I am having fun, and as we couldn't have an ADULT conversation because of YOUR attitude there was clearly no other way to communicate with you. Second: it is still degrading to woman, and if woman are agreeing with me on that then you ARE in the wrong, the fact you can not accept that even when you are outnumbered by the opposite demographic who believe you are degrading them truly shows that you are actually narrow minded so you prove my point on that. Yes men and woman think different... doesn't make you any less sexiest for your comments. If you are getting bored by this, stop replying, simple. The fact you can't back down or admit when your wrong shows that you are not adult enough to handle anything civilised. Done with you, done with your narrow mind, done with you being sexiest because I actually can't stand you type of people who belittle woman and think its ok. Muted and reported for being sexiest towards woman. Good day kiddo.

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  • You truly are an idiot and I in no way believe that you have had any contact with the opposite sex. And the fact I made paired with the fact you agreed with it makes your points null and void. I didn't even finish reading the last post you sent because it's just getting repetitive and the fact that you're still being ignorant of your own short comings and you were the one at fault from the start this is just getting old....

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  • Edited by The Swza: 2/13/2016 7:22:02 PM
    Stfu. You miss the whole point and obviously support this kind of bitchassness. You and the rest of your ladyboys are using it to get special ammo BEFORE it spawns into the game cuz you can't win without it. So, that's NOT playing the game as intended. Be objective instead of trying to defend it dumbass. Oh of course, a PlayStation kid.

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  • You are such a lose its unbelievable. I get the point, and I don't even play trials. It's an exotic gun with a good perk. It should give you an advantage. You just want to cry about something. Go whine to your mommy maybe she will have sympathy for you.

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  • PlayStation kids don't get my attention. Hope you enjoyed getting text rekt. Muted

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  • Haha. Grow up

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