Since I'm sure most of you completed the Paradox mission today and got Praedyth's ghost from the secret chest, you know that he had a connection to the Future War Cult due to the coloring and markings on his ghost. That got me thinking - why [i]don't [/i] the faction reps have ghost shells to sell like the Vanguard and Crucible? The Kingslayer shell is nice and all but the thought of a New Monarchy ghost with its own little crown won't leave me alone.
What would yours be?
OK I have a theory about the faction ghost shells and call this coincidence but I may or may not be on to something. Remember when we picked up the dread explorer shell from the dead orbit guy after one of the mission completions for the taken king. OK the colors line perfect for dead orbit not to mention we got it from the dead orbit dude anyway. Next look at the Frontier shell they handed us for free, looks like all new monarchy colors to me and by the way it was once not in fusible but now it is and I don't know when they patched that but I'm going to say this might be a new monarchy ghost. Last future war cult how about that, now check out that brave shell and colors in which line up perfect with future war cults Carthage 0100 faction shader. Maybe we already have the faction ghost and no one has confirmed it yet. It is ironic that these ghost are distinct in colors when we know exactly where all the other ghost that are available came from. I'm just saying!