originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yeah, that's him. Or at least, one of his names. He's basically the master of fire and the forge, and I'm his champion. No clue why he chose me, but he did
Well, miracles always happen at random. I just kinda came here, way back in the old times.
"Same. I showed up after wandering for a Bit, nothing but a buckler and a broadsword with me. Cmon, let's get drinks."
Drinks? Sounds fun. [b]I get up.[/b] Where, exactly?
"There's a bar in this place." He says, putting his hand on your shoulder, and your surrounded in fire, ash and brimstone. They appear in the bar. "Teleportation done right."
[b]I cough a bit, due to the smoke.[/b] Usually I just walk, but that's fine. [b]I sit.[/b] What would you like?
"The strongest rum they have. And I'll pay the tab. Hey, with Vulcan you make it or don't have it."
[b]I make a somewhat complicated signal to the bartender, who nods and goes into the back.[/b] You sure about picking up the tab?
"Yeah. Let's just say I've got something to cover it."
[b]The bartender brings over a glass of black liquid, as well as a an incredibly clear liquid.[/b] If you say so.
[b][i]He grabs his drink, and downs it.[/i][/b] "Taste like water. Jesus, don't they have anything good on tap?"
[b]A second passes, and all encompassing alcoholic heavens hits your tastebuds in the matter of seconds.[/b] Give it a second.
[b][i]He seems to be mainly unaffected by the drink.[/i][/b] "I've drank water more alcoholic than this."
Huh. I haven't met anyone saying that isn't any good. Had it imported from Vahalla. Seems I got swindled.
"Well, when your used to drinking the stuff literally brewed by Bacchus himself you get some high standards."
I can understand that. [b]I down my clear liquid.[/b] How long have you been here?
"A little bit. Maybe 3 weeks. Then again, I was here for a few years before I left."