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Edited by Tsukuyomi Zero: 2/14/2016 3:35:47 AM
It is cheating, you do know they took away special ammo at the start of the match for a reason? They probably didn't expect people to be that petty, to use an obsolete year 1 weapon.

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  • Edited by Alex_Supertramp1: 2/14/2016 8:38:08 AM
    If Bungie is really that stupid and short sighted to not realize icebreaker still regenerated it's own ammo, then they deserved this "unintended" consequence. And if you kids were too stupid to think this was possible with a gun designed this way then you are to stupid to adapt to the ups and downs of a poorly designed game.

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  • Really?! You think the DEVELOPERS OF THE GAME...-and ALL the weapons in it... Didnt know that IB still regenerated ammo? Or invective, (which is a yr 2 weapon I might add...) yeah... They may not listen to the community on what they want to see very often, but they do know this. They know IB is being used. And im sure they knew it probably would. Maybe not to this extent... But they still knew. The no special is kindve dumb anyway... In a map like this week you seriously can't expect people to ruah with primary when both sides have good counter lanes. TL;DR: Bungie Devs knew about IB because they created it. Stop whining and if you cant beat em, join em... Or stop playing

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  • Why don't you stop playing. instead of defending Cowards. Telling people to stop playing a game, they paid for will only get you muted, we don't need your kind on the forums. Strike 1.

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  • I'm just simply stating that they know these weapons do what they do. There's nothing cowardly about those using it. If you want to complain.... It's because they kill you and you get mad you didnt do it or think of it... Bungie sent out a tweet specifically stating that those two weapons would not be affected. There are certain ways to best a team that just wants to sit there and build ammo... Why walk straight into their sniping lanes if you know it is happening.

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  • Like you said, it's an obsolete year 1 gun. Just deal with it

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  • Edited by jay p: 2/14/2016 3:41:41 AM
    [quote]It is cheating, you do know they took away special ammo at the start of the match for a reason? They probably didn't expect people to be that petty, to use an obsolete year 1 weapon.[/quote] How is it cheating? Bungie specifically said that ice breaker and invective would still work. It would be cheating if they weren't supposed to work, but people were glitching them or using an exploit. But that's not what's happening. Bungie designed ice breaker and invective to still work so people use them. They are working as Bungie intended. Once again, stop blaming people for playing to win when they are only following the rules Bungie has set.

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  • I think the issue is ammo transfer. Something tells me that is not the way it's supposed to work since it only works when you weapon swap when dead... Just saying.

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  • " Bungie specifically said that ice breaker and invective would still work." Link?

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  • Here you go. Bungie official Twitter account.

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  • I would like to see bungie confirm that swapping weapons when alive versus dead is considered the same and working as intended.

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  • Edited by jay p: 2/14/2016 7:23:12 PM
    [quote]I would like to see bungie confirm that swapping weapons when alive versus dead is considered the same and working as intended.[/quote] That's the obvious fix. In 3s, you could/should lose all your ammo when swapping weapons. Including exotics and side arms. My whole point is that people are playing the game as it's designed. They aren't cheating. Can't really blame people for playing by the rules. Edit: pretty sure it just cuts your ammo in half like normal if you swap specials while alive 3s.

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  • Thanks for putting in the effort to find the post, if only the Cowards would put their effort into learning how to use Primaries.

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  • Bwahahahaha. You got rekt and still had the nerve to try and come back with an insult. Lmao. Go home kid, you're drunk.

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  • Don't reignite the post.

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  • Go home kid, you're drunk

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  • I have to find it. It was in a more obscure place, not in the main dev post. It might have been in a podcast with a dev or maybe it was on reddit. I'll try to look, but off to Bardot for V day dinner.

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  • Hence why it's their fault for not planning

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