*another rebel goes to the child and attends to her. The medic near Wheatley speaks to him while treating his wounds
"So, who are you? How did you get to this beautiful hell hole?"-Rebel medic
"I was sent... From the alliance... to aid the rebellion." [b]he checks his gear, loads his handgun, rifle, and checks his sword for damage. He snipes down a federation AA team as they took aim at them[/b]
"Interesting. What is it like, working for the Alliance?"-Rebel *he starts to seal the more serious wounds first
[b]the massive stab wound in his chest is the worst[/b] "Fine... Very complex, I got some sweet gear, most of which I have modded" [b]he shoots a shot out of the ship and the mask he had worn before his induction and the modded green visor pop out from the side of his head, defending his face. Adding to his optical camouflage cloak, reinforced with the armor plates [/b] "I was comprimised halfway into an assassination attempt, ran into the streets, got stabbed and shot by a patrol, fought of some others, and you showed up..."
"Who were you trying to assassinate?"-Rebel *he starts to seal the wound
"F-federation leaders, supply lines, etcetera..." [b]he begins to lose conciousness[/b]
*he seals the wound, then starts to work on the others "Were you with anyone else during your mission? Any teammates?"-Rebel
"That's classified...[b]he passes out momentarily and returns as his AI hits him with another shot of adrenaline. His hand is the next worst. The bones being completely shattered [/b] "Where you from, mate?"
"Armagoas 4. Lovely world, with a lot of lush forests. You?"-Rebel *he starts sealing the rest of the wounds
"They called it corra. We where a peaceful species until humanity glassed the planet and forced us into a warrior like gladitorial society..." [b]he stares out the window at the burning city[/b]
"Yeah. They glassed our sister planet of Ichro as well. No one has been down there in 3 months."-Rebel *he finishes up on the cuts and starts to work on the bruises
[b]he looks out, staring at the burning city below him. He watches the small skirmishes between the planets militia and the Feds, which they are obviously winning. When one fed goes down, there's another sixty to replace him [/b] "You got any idea how many casualties we've sustained?"
"A lot. It will be less now that the mercs and you came. If the Alliance comes, there will be much less."-Rebel
"I wouldn't expect the alliance to engage the federation outright." [b]he looks toward all of the wounded people in the ship.[/b]
Edited by Cosmic: 2/14/2016 2:10:56 PM[b] [/b]