I have seen this mentioned a few times over since the release of new emotes and an assignable emote button. The latest update gave us free yeah and nope emotes in our collections kiosk and are basically useless. For someone without a mic to use them, they would have to go into their character screen and drop down to the next screen and assign a simple yes or no emote to answer someone that may be asking a question. An easier way to use yes and no would be to just use your right stick to look up and down quickly or right to left quickly. We do not need Yes and No Emotes, We need Rock, Paper, Scissors. I have been in groups where a couple or more want to run the relic in Vault or Kings Fall, or people trying to decide if they get to stay in the middle, go left or right in the multiple parts of Kings Fall where those are options. Even fireteams trying to decide a strike.
Three simple animations tied to the same emote is all that is needed. One that goes "tap, tap, tap, Rock". One for "tap, tap, tap, paper", and one for "tap, tap, tap, scissors". When the emote button is pressed, the game randomly picks one of those three animations to play. The system would also run text in the feedback area signifying which animations ran like "Player1 has thrown Rock" Player2 has thrown Paper". Nothing is needed to show who won to keep coding to a minimum or out of this completely. People should already know how to play RPS anyway.
Also, since this would be used to settle disagreements and help make decisions within the group, this should be a free emote so everyone has the ability to participate. We do not need yes and no emotes, we need this.
Does anyone, anyone at all, think this might be a good idea?