It's Valentine's Day, and we may or may not have someone special to spend it with. Regardless, I have a mission for you guys and gals :)
By the end of this day, I want you to tell at least one person how much you appreciate them, whether verbally or non-verbally, and it can even be little gestures like leaving cake on their doorstep (being anonymous works too)
We live in a world where everyone is so underappreciated and honestly we could all use a little more love. And it can be anyone, your boyfriend, your boss, heck it can even be a forum member! Even if you hate them haha ;)
And if you'd like, share your story or opinions below, I look forward to everyone's stories :)
I'm going to leave some chocolate cake at the desk in my boss's office, he's such a pain sometimes but I really think he'd enjoy the cake ^-^
Happy Valentine's Day!
xoxo Sara <3
[u]Edit[/u]: feel free to pass :P
[u]Edit 2[/u]: Valentines Day is over, but it's never too late to show some love!
[i]* Loads TX-130 Saber-Tank lazer round*[/i] I was getting out of the taxi after reading this and proceeded to give my cab driver an extra 10 dollars in tip for getting me to my destination fast. Then whilst walking down to meet my friends I saw a person who kinds looked sad, so I proceeded to give them a pat of the shoulder than give them a quick hug. After that I complimented on a girls outfit. [spoiler]Do I win. There better be a damn reward after putting my slef on the spot like that multiple times. [/spoiler]