Is it ever going to get fixed? Because at the moment it's range is terrible, hit detection is way off, accuracy and handling is poor at best and it fires blanks. They took a perfectly good and balanced gun (all they needed to fix was the one shot glitch and a very TINY adjustment to range and that was it) and made it worse than garbage.
GG Bungie.
Edit: We're trending. Keep commenting and bumping this post so maybe, just maybe, we can bring our beloved Hawkmoon back from the dead.
Edit: 200 replies. Some very good comments here. Keep this up!
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I think its less that hawkmoon needs to be buffed and more that handcannons in general need a boost. They got hit with the nerf sledgehammer in y2
Not too mention that the Double luck in the chamber perk shows up twice.
I want my Hawkmoon back!!
Was excited to finally just be able to [i]use[/i] it, but it's just kinda bad now. I mean, I barely used it but there is a reason lol..
Bump. I really want to love the gun, but I'm on Xbox and never got to try it in its glory days. It still hits hard, but the range is lacking and my lord, the follow up shot accuracy is horrible.
Edited by TYCUS D-001: 2/15/2016 2:52:25 PMI use it and like it.., but since i play on xbone i couldn't say how good it was on y1.
I think it's fine. Maybe it's just you?
You should just replace Hackmoon with All hand cannons.
Fix Hawkmoon Bumgie!!!! Fûckin kill'joys, like the dude said, you've ruined a gun that had nothing wrong with it, I'm disgusted by the piss poor amount of top tier gun left in this shit pit you call crucible, you killing the game not making it better!!!!!!!!
put on first curse, best hand cannon in the game. It makes you aim and pick you're shots unlike the last word and if you do it right, its a two shot kill every time.
It's not just Hawkmoon. All HCs are a little weird. Bungo nerfed the entire class too hard because of TLW and Thorn, which they can't properly balance.
Yeh it was only the range that needed tweaking,the gun already took a bit of skill with controlling recoil.Even the 3 bullet proc was fine,1 in 2000+ chance was hardly OP.
Bungie's playtesters all suck execpt the guy who uses Hawkmoon and Fusions.
It really is bullshit how they nerfed Hawkmoon. Who the -blam!- at Bungie thought these balances were smart? Thorn has higher range, faster RoF, and does more damage per shot. Why even use Hawkmoon? The reason Hawkmoon was so good was because of the 2 shot kill it could pull off. Now if you are anywhere outside of hugging room, which TLW dominates, you cannot 2 shot. Bungie must have some of the stupidest play testers.
Fix hawkmoon
#FixHawkmoon [b]bump[/b]
Fix hawkmoon
Hawkmoon was my PvP primary no matter what... R.I.p year 1 main..
Edited by MindfulPizza: 2/15/2016 1:08:15 PMwait till trying do the quest imprecation, damn near impossible to do now unless cheat with fire team of six on rumble , to get the 7 head shots. on the imprecation hand gun, that need 7 head shots in a pvp match. recoil so evil and all , they should just made the hand gun for the quest act like a scout rifle till get the 7 head shot in pvp , at least one time . account bound, for the strength.
I agree with you man. Before they nerfed my baby into the grave I had a 60% headshot. Now it's 52 or something like that. I don't even pvp so it really ruined my baby.
It is a complete joke if you ask me. Bungie destroys every single thing they want to "balance". Yet people still cry for nerfs not realizing the true nature of what will happen.
Uh, yeah I tried it today and was wrecking but I found a lot of point blank headshots were missing, even body shots at close range weren't being picked up, guess it's not me
That's the problem with nerfs. When Bungie swings the nerf hammer, it hits hard. Also these nerfs really hit pve hard too. Shotguns are a joke now in pve especially.
Hawkmoon definitely needs a stability increase to offset that range reduction. Hand cannons in general need more accuracy when rapidly firing within their intended range and the hit detection needs to be improved. They also need to find a way to differentiate the dmg difference between different hand cannon archetypes. They all roughly kill in the same number of shots.