One corpse didn't bear the same markings, as if it was shot by a weapon instead of stabbed. The wounds are too potent to be from Rebels, too painless to be Federation, and clearly not from Phaedrus; all the signs point to an Alliance soldier, but no Alliance body was there.
This is a cluster-blam!-, Wolfie. Too many players on the field. [i]Wolf walked silently, cloaked and soundless. His voice came over Wilson's comms.[/i] Can't do anything about that but move on. Hopefully Hallwinter's out of here. [i]Shotgun in hand, Wilson laughed.[/i] I've seen enough of him to know those Alliance -blam!-ers and Phallus ain't gonna have an easy time. [i]Wolf's comment came back sarcastically.[/i] I guess that means these guys were just fodder.