Tags are a system of filtering I've never really liked. There's always another tag to add, another synonym, or phrase &c. Even then, descriptive tags can only be as accurate as the words used to create them; for example, the tag "game" could be used to describe sports, board games, video games, &c.
Although, I admit hashtags have the advantage of allowing user to stick to subjects that really interest them, and add a certain customization to the forum experience... And of course, there are those that much prefer this system.
I think the final version of Bungie.next should be a blend of the new and old topic filtration system. Allow users to search the forums using only tags, or just look through each separate forum. Allow them to blend forums, add tags to this blend and name it. Just require users to select a forum when creating subject, and add as many tags as they want. This way, users can have the customized experience tags give them, and more.